The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 178,232,619 Issue: 432 | 26th day of Awakening, Y12
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A Neo Look Neoquest II

by jewelia52
Avatar Adventures: Herding Advice

Dear Petpets...

Idea by horngal24

by kawaii_neokitty2

A Mynci's Tale

Uh oh.

Art by appleuse

by amitto

The Saddened Shoyru

Find me the time and death!

Art by mustard_rules

by uogy

Hoopla: Instrument

Of course I do.

by _pokemon12_63
The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 4)

It's all about presentation. Yup.

by hubadawaha
Anderis's New Paint Brush: Part 2 of 2

There's more than one way to paint a Kyrii! :3

by jackjack1234
Notions and Nonsense - A Day At The Pound

Can you find the Doglefox in this comic?

Art by karma_leafbarer

by patjade

Accident Prone

Squeaky clean.

by hauntedbywonderland
Neopian Icons: The Pant Devil


by karinche
Cliche? Touche!

Is it just me or...?

by caseypenn
Titanic Tummy

Doesn't 'bloated' suggest you're already too full?

by hikabunni


by jessijenni
Footwear Frustration

Saardinen sees a pair of sandals he likes, but finds they're more difficult for him to get than he'd like.

by chazfox
Sketch Parade! #01

The comic that refuses to stay dead.

by glitt_
Pure Insanity


by ladylifeless
Prove Yourself

I got the red belt.

Script by marwanshah_13

by zuma_d

Cafe Moonbeam

Would you mind...

by a_l2n_l2n_a
Vegetating: Restock Fears

Yet another reason to stay away from those restockers.

by rain_e_days
A Case of Disappearing Dung

Where did all the dung go?!

by imabigkidnow5

Get your own Symol.

by lynn_dark
Classic Neohome Comics present: The Plight of Wings

No Koi was hurt making this comic. ~chao

by chaotizitaet
Lunaticity #7

If you're confused, read the first Lunaticity. ;)

by jerk_head
sanity ltd

... I... I really have nothing to say about this one. o__o

by thunderlight314
Slapdash: Pondering Petpets

You know, he has a point...

by inkweaver009
LOL'D - Chasing Brains

Brain's best friend just came.

by _oceanriver_
Bori Bori Haanie Bori

Haanie has bad social skills.

by madolynne
Phosphofructokinase Diaries

Ever get the feeling you are missing something?

by parody_ham
Slow Down!


by 0turtle
Random Oddness

Having the one expression is a small price to pay.

by mistyqee
Star Gazers

There goes our plans.

by neojedi11
The Comic comic

The glorious entrance of a new character.

by caterait
Daily Dare, Another Trophy or Trip to the Hospital?

Nobody thinks about the effects on the poor pets...

by rainbowmoo
Search the Neopian Times


"The Metal Box of DOOM!" by 7splat52
It's really, really creepy how your SDB enlarges to fit the items you chuck in. I mean, really, have you ever heard of a growing box? I was once trapped in my owner's SDB. I am so lucky that we clean it out every couple months, but it really was petrifying. *shudders* Now I'm using big words. *counts* I must have used, like, TWO words that had more than three syllables! My...

Other Stories


Tales from Koi: Amberrianna
"What if she gets another pet?" I suggested quietly.

by purpleweirdo


The Meaning of Beauty
I had always been a pretty weird Poogle.

by one_two_one


10 Books Under 10k
In a world of dazzling customization options, sparkling trinkets, and gorgeous pets with the IQ of an ummagine, I'd like to propose something radically different.

by carrieantonia


Beating the Dice-A-Roo Blues
Not all of these avatars have to be so frustrating. In fact, there's one that can be downright enjoyable.

by redoakcove


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: The Onyx Isle - Part Six
Avalon was bored. It was strange, bizarre, almost ridiculous, to be feeling bored on a ship packed with Scarback's Gelerts...

by cpmtiger


The Prophecy Faeries: Part Six
"How'd you do that?" Bernadette asked. "We don't learn healing spells until our last year at the academy."

by alex313

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