A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 127,792,023 Issue: 260 | 6th day of Collecting, Y8
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by maiinoki

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Are "Special" Items Really So Special?
First of all, they are apparently special enough to have their own category in your safety deposit box. However, they are not special enough to have any rhyme or reason to their organization.

by iluvclarkkent


Storm Center: Cyodrake's Gaze
Eye of the Storm is an extremely easy puzzle game, needing a bit of luck for some parts of it. You see, the Gaze is under one of the two hundred and forty tiles on the game board, along with its crew and a few special tiles thrown in just for fun. This guide will show you just how easy the game is, the different ways that you can play it, how you can win it and what does what.

by visorak_commander


The Garden: Part Two
Fyora was seated on her usual spot one day, when her violet eyes caught a purple shadow falling with alarming velocity through the clouds. Swiftly, with unnatural bursts of speed, she charged forward...

by digital_microwave


Game Masters and Game Amateurs Are One And the Same
Have you become scared of the link on your sidebar to play games? Have the trophy addicts made you want to give up hope of getting that trophy you have always dreamed of? Don't give up. Just start with the logic behind the madness…

by itchyfan220

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