Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 130,067,293 Issue: 259 | 29th day of Gathering, Y8
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A Job Gone Wrong

by x__orlando4eva__x

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UnNormal - Tyrannian Fishing

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Clara: Part Two
Guilt settled over her like a cloud, and she buried her head under the covers. Today might as well have been raining for how happy she was...

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Meepit's Minds
Now people will really know what goes on in Meepits' minds.

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Stop the Abuse!
Abominable Snowballs are a misjudged petpet species; people get them only to feed to Turmy or zap, or other evil things I dare not mention in fear of souring your milk. So I bet you're wondering what the petpets did to deserve this?

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