A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 130,067,293 Issue: 259 | 29th day of Gathering, Y8
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Short Stories

Sleight of Hand

I've always had a fondness for magic, one might say; it's always been a part of my life...

by undeadfortune
The Upper Crust Guild

Many young pets were busy in neoschool. One young Bori, however, was not in neoschool. This was because he had been suspended twelve seconds after arriving...

by mystery_island111223
A Puzzle Piece Palace

"A day filled with rain doesn't have to be a horrible day. You can still do something with it..."

by dubline100
Roses are Black: Rise to Fame

She took out her sleek, black electric guitar and began to play so loudly that the neighbors were holding their hands over their ears...

by cmac22066
Green Kougra, Up for Adoption!

Arribon narrows his eyes suspiciously -- eyes that are almost as green as his vibrant fur. "You want to adopt me, don't you?"

by harsan_09

A black book lies abandoned on the stone table. The cover, illuminated only by the dim light of three torches hanging from the walls, bears the following name in flowing golden script...

by yatomiyuka
Take-Out Night

"What do you guys want for dinner?"

by sois_sage
Nimmo No More

A happy blue Nimmo's tale of his family initiation rituals...

by neoplayinny
Pirates Don't Take Bubble Baths

"I know you've only been a pirate for a couple *sneeze* weeks, but pirates are tough. Not *cough* girly..."

by kougra_helper_9157
The Tale of Uglyfoot the Kougra

It was Misty's decision to start real school, as she called it, so Lizzy enrolled her in the neighborhood neoschool, Faerie Cloud Neoschool...

by iloveunis1011
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Neopoints: The Secret

There are conspiracies all over Neopia, if you know where to look. What I am going to tell you today is one of the many idiosyncrasies of Neopian life. This, however, is one of the most fundamental, and it affects every Neopian everywhere. Brace yourself as this may come as a shock to many of you...

Other Stories


Meepits Are Not the Enemy!
Everybody hates Meepits because they think Meepits are evil. Well, I've had enough of it! It's about time somebody stood up for the little guys.

by retrac446


The Official Guide to Apple Foods
As autumn approaches, Neopians think more and more about apples. Lucky for us, apples happen to be in season now.

by mouse_lover900


Not a Ghost: Part Two
It wasn't fair. If only I had looked more carefully at the paint brush...

by moonshadow711


Nyla's Embroidery: Part Four
"H-hello? Who are y-you?" she asked. This Uni was obviously not used to being woken up in the night...

by 124456789xxzc


Petpet Battledome - Why You Never Play With Rocks
This poppit decided to battle a rock. Yes, a rock...

by gymnast515


E-Z Crystal Ball
Please insert 100 Neopoints.

by wingkei_tracy

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