Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 126,511,783 Issue: 256 | 8th day of Gathering, Y8
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The Ring of the Lost

by kamikatze24

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Dream On
What do slorgs dream about?

Art by tristess

by autoc007


The Choice
The annual Race Through Neopia Central was the biggest event of the year for runners. Dale had been training extra hard after he placed fifth the year before. Now, he felt ready to steal first...

by reggieman721


The Story of a Weapon: Part Three
She felt like she had been running forever. She couldn't quite remember when the day she fled ended and today began. She had no idea how much time had passed...

by proud_taurus_chic


The Guide to Getting Rid of Pesky Owners
I'm sure all you poor little weak pets are all eager to have revenge on your owners for not feeding you enough, or letting you get sick, or simply - as in my case - not allowing world domination before bed time. Well, no fear, my guide is the answer.

by abhobbs

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