Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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by 5tnt

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The Missing Links to Altador
But, I still wondered: if Altador was right there on the other side of those mountains, why didn't anyone ever go to look for it? I decided to snoop around and figure out why...

by dudedudedude535


Why We Only Taunt the Pant Devil
Um, are you sure there isn't an avatar?

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Encountering Resistance: Part Four
"We've got no supply of rations, we're all positively tuckered out, and we've also lost the one thing we could have used against the Empire..."

by moosuem


An Average Plushie
The Cybunny shopkeeper still remains how she is today, sweet and silent...

by matjake44_3

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