Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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Neoschool Popularity Guide

by scranamole


As your pet may know, starting neoschool is hard, but it doesn't have to be. All your pet needs to do is start out on the right foot and then they'll stop all those bullies and cliques dead in their path. Not even the meanest of teachers will be able to stop them now.

With these simple steps in this article your pet will know how to be ahead of the gang, be cool, popular, and rule the school.

So on their first day of school, remember to send them off with their new backpack, a lunch box, a kiss on the head (well, maybe not that), and of course their neoschool popularity guide. Then they can be off and ready to start learning with their new classmates and becoming known around the school (in a good way of course).

Step One: Talking

It may not seem that important, but talking the right way can make a big difference. Your pet should make sure that they remember what is in and what is out when speaking that way they aren't thought of as an undereducated no0b or worse.

What's In:

Abbreviations - Well actually, most abbreviations (a.k.a. chatspeak) are not in, but some of them are. If you are surprised or angry, OMG would be the proper thing to say; do not overuse it, though, as overusing such words would give a no0b-like effect to your speech which is highly disliked. LOL and ROFL are good to say when something is amusing or funny, but they should also not be overused for the same reasons.

Tropical Accent - Tropical accents are very much sought after, so mystery island natives have an upside here. If you aren't from mystery Island, though, you can still get an accent. Just try pronouncing your vowels in a way that makes the words flow together more. Also emphasize the random syllables in certain words. An example would be: I beliEVe that she said to do sOMething quiet. Too much will make everything sound choppy, so keep it too a minimum and then you will be on your way to a tropical accent.

What's Out:

Too much chatspeak - Too much chatspeak will cause everyone to look upon you as a no0b. Words such as 'lyke' are completely out. Really, you shouldn't. If you do use them on accident, though, then you should make sure to hide it or get all worked up about saying it.

Tyrannian Accent - If you are from Tyrannia or suffer ugga-ugga, then this may prove to be a problem to you. If you do have a Tyrannian accent, then you should try to get rid of it, because no one likes hearing ugga-ugg all day. You can try to get rid of it by softening up all consonants; if this means speaking quieter, then do so (just don't be TOO quiet). Also avoid saying "ugg" or "ugga" at all costs. For some pets this is easy, for some pets this is hard. If it's because you have ugga- ugga then you should try to get your hands on some sporkle syrup or just hope that the healing faerie is generous. If it's just because you simply have that accent then a long trip to Mystery Island to pick up their accent instead may be necessary

Now that you can talk the "right" way, you're ready to move on to step two, but don't forget what you've learned here; it will prove very useful.

Step Two: Paint Color

What color you were painted is also very important. Or at least what color you LOOK like you were painted. *snicker snicker*

What's In:

Royal - Of course it is every pet's dream to be painted royal, but only rich and wealthy Neopets can afford this. If you aren't as rich it is still possible to obtain this luxuriant look. Start by making yourself the under color. Such as, if you are a girl Aisha, then you must make yourself look purple; this can be done by using grape juice like shampoo. If you want to be a boy JubJub, then you must look red; if you are already red, then this is not a problem, but if you aren't, sunbathing in the Lost Desert should do the trick. Now you must find the right clothes. Some fabric off of an old sofa you can buy at a garage sale would be great; old bedspreads also work too. Try using Quiggle scissors to cut them into the right shape and then stitch them back together with a needle (you can make these out of barbed wire).

Island - Of course an island look would go great with your new tropical accent. Depending on what kind of pet you are you will either need to look tan or white. To look tan, try covering yourself with glue and then rolling around in the sand. To look white, simply buy a lot of ghost stories and read them at the dead of night (note: results will vary). Next you will need to paint intricate designs on yourself with some nail polish. Just decorate yourself with flowers from your neighbor's Neogarden and everyone will think that you've got an expensive paint job.

What's Out:

Pirate - After the war with Maraqua no one likes pirates much anymore, so unless you're going to school on Krawk Island then pirate is definitely not the way to go. If you already are pirate, though, then you should change that. First you should dispose of all your old pirate clothing, which in itself will make a big difference. Then if you have any wood legs you should paint them to match your fur color; try adding a fake lucky Cybunny foot to the end to make it look more like a leg. Also your eye patch should be disposed of. And lastly, don't forget to smile, your evil pirate glare will scare everyone away.

Christmas - Christmas is great around Christmas time, but only then. At any other time of the year Christmas is considered out. It isn't that hard not to be Christmas, though. The first thing you should do to not be Christmas is ditch the outfit. No one likes Santa costumes in summer or any time other than winter for that matter. Next you should paint yourself a different color if you are unfortunate enough to have red and white stripes. Finally, come up with a back up story; if anyone asks, just don't mention anything about the Christmas paintbrush or Happy Valley and then everyone will never wonder.

Once you are finished with that, it is time to go inside the class room...

Step Three: Neoschool Supplies

Small things such as those kept inside your back pack (and your back pack itself) may not seem important at all but they can make a BIG difference.

What's In:

Light Faerie Back Pack - When it comes to back packs, a light faerie back pack is definitely in. Not many people can afford these, of course, but that is why they are so in. Replica ones are much cheaper and barely different though... To make a replica light faerie back pack you need to start with an angelpuss back pack. After cutting off the face and wings send it through the wash with your yellow mortog T-shirt a couple of times until it turns light yellow. Next you will need to cut a pair of wings out of an empty gift box and color them yellow with some colored pencils. Once those are glued on you will just need to get a picture of the light faerie (which she is more than happy to give out) and put that over the wings.

Neopian Times Quill - Nothing says look at me more than a Neopian Times quill. These are hard to come by, though, but that is not a problem. All you need to do is find a blue Pteri who is willing to give you a feather. This is not as easy as it seems, though, because Pteris are not the nicest Neopians. Sleeping Pteris are always good targets, though, because they're asleep (just make sure they don't wake up!). Pteris who are helping around at the soup kitchen are generally nice, so you could ask one of them for a feather also. Once you have the feather, just add ink and there you have it a perfectly real fake Neopian Times quill.

What's Out:

Snotty Pen - There isn't much worse than looking like your pen came right off of Meuka, so if you are unfortunate enough to have a snotty pen then you may want to considering fixing it up a bit. One thing you can do is scrape all the snot off of it; it won't all come off, but the less the better. To get the rest of it off, simply dunk the pen in the
Healing Springs, when the healing faerie isn't looking, of course. And if anyone asks you what kind of pen it is, just say it is skunk pattern pen because that is what it looks like underneath.

Cheesy Ruler - Rulers made out of cheese are far from being in. They look bad, they smell bad, they leave ugly cheese stains on your paper, and there's nothing you can do about it. Yes, that's what I said, you can't do anything with them to make them better. But there are ways to dispose of it so your owner needs to buy you a new one. All you need to do is take the nasty cheesy ruler of doom and wave it under a sleeping Skeith's nose for a little bit. When he starts to open his eyes throw the cheesy ruler and watch him run. Not only will this get rid of that awful ruler but it will also provide quality entertainment.

Well there you have it, the three main steps to becoming popular. Now just learn these, and when neoschool comes around, you will be ready to be popular.

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