Behind the Hot Dog by jt562
SPLAT! A shot of mustard flew from the bottle onto the hot
Nani had just gotten a job working with Hubert
in Neopia Bazaar. He was very happy to get the job for a few reasons. One was
because he could help earn some extra Neopoints for his family. Not that they
were needy, they could get by with what they had, but he wanted to help them
get some other luxuries that they'd like.
Second, he had always been a bit of a lazybones
type Snow Shoyru. He wanted to change that, and this would help teach him a
bit more responsibility.
Oh, and plus, he landed some free Nacho Cheese
Stuffed Hot Dogs while on the job. Free food's always good motivation, especially
when it's the best thing you've ever tasted.
"Here's your order," he said with a smile to
the Kyrii that had just bought a hot dog. The Kyrii walked away filling her
face. That was another reason he liked this job. He loved helping others.
"We need a Mashed Potato with Gravy down here,
Nani!" came Hubert's voice. Nani nodded, grabbed a jacket potato, and slathered
on the gravy. The scent was wonderful.
He finished the potato, just in time to hear
a very familiar voice yell out, "Hey, Nani!"
He looked. His brothers had come to visit! Cool!
He hastily gave the customer their potato, then ran to greet them.
"How's it going, guys?" Nani said.
"Great!" Butterfliex was just finishing off a
smoothie and tossing it into the trash can nearby. "It looks like you're busy
over there. When do you get off the job?"
Nani looked at a clock on the wall. "About an
hour," he said. "And the big business hasn't even started. Don't even get me
started on how crazy this'll get as soon as they get some Speckled Hot Dogs."
SharkTale laughed. "I won't."
Again, Hubert's voice came over the shouting
of orders. "Nacho Cheese Stuffed Hot Dog, Watery Hot Dog, and an Eggy Jacket
Nani groaned. "It's started. I'll see you guys
in an hour. I gotta get cracking."
Respectfully, his brothers left. Nani got back
to the counter and threw an egg onto the skillet.
* * *
A few days later...
Nani had been called aside from Hubert for a
few minutes. "So, what is it you wanted to see me about?"
"Well, Nani," Hubert said, "I've been watching
you work, and I think you really deserve something extra."
Nani's eyes widened. "Extra Nacho Cheese Stuffed
Hot Dogs?"
Hubert chuckled. "Nah, even better." He stopped
and looked at Nani. "I'm going to give you a raise from your average pay."
Nani's eyes widened again. "How much more?"
"About an extra 3,000 Neopoints. Is that enough?"
"Definitely!" Nani stood up and shook his boss's
hand. "Oh, you won't regret this, Hubert!" He then reached back down onto the
table and grabbed his hat, identical to Hubert's hat.
* * *
It was awesome getting paid more. Nani was able
to get a new skateboard in a single day's pay! And that was an accomplishment,
with the inflation at the toy shop blazing upwards.
Although there had, in turn, been more customers
arriving. Impeccable timing, Nani thought in his mind sarcastically.
He grabbed his free Nacho Cheese Stuffed Hot
Dog off the grill and took a bite. At least he got those, and more. Although,
he wasn't sure if this was worth it.
Nani turned his head as he heard Japanese yell
out at him. "Hey again, guys. Did I tell you I got a raise?"
SharkTale's eyes widened. "A raise? In your first
week? Whoa, Nani, that's awesome!" Nani and SharkTale slapped hand and fin.
"Hey, we're taking a trip to Maraqua. Want to come with us? I hear there are
Yooyuball practice arenas down there. We can practice."
Maraqua? Yooyuball? Nani loved both of those.
"I'd lo..." He was cut off by Hubert's voice yelling for two Gherkin Hot Dogs.
And a Poogle's voice calling for a Camouflage Hot Dog. And other indistinguishable
"Guess not. I gotta get back to work. Again.
Sorry, guys. I'll try to get a break tomorrow."
"Okay..." Butterfliex said, then walked away
sadly. The others followed. Nani felt terrible about doing that, but he had
to. Work needed to be done.
Well, he thought, I'd better ask Hubert
for that break. He walked over to the Mynci handing out Chilli and Cheese
Hot Dogs.
"Hey, Hubert, I need to ask you something. I
need a..."
He was again cut off. "Speckled Hot Dogs just
came in. Prepare for the stampede. I need you to cook some. Quick, they'll start
Nani sighed, and got to the just-delivered box
of Speckled Hot Dogs. This is gonna be another long day, he thought,
forgetting his question.
* * *
Nani wiped off some sweat from his brow. This
was getting hectic, after Hubert had announced 20% more restocks. Who would
have thought getting a raise would be this much harder?
"Hey, Nani!" He barely had time to look over
his shoulder to see his brothers waving to him before another person started
demanding an Ultra Cheesy Hot Dog.
"Hey guys," he said as he prepared it.
Butterfliex's smile dropped as he looked at Nani.
"There must be a LOT of business here since your raise, isn't there?"
Nani handed the hot dog to an Ixi. "Sure looks
like it. Why does this always happen to me?" Then he started cooking a Creamy
Hot Dog on the grill.
"Well," said SharkTale, "we were just about to
go over to Mystery Island. Want to see if you can get the rest of the day off?"
"No way," Nani snapped. "It's just too busy today.
I can't do it." He turned to the crowd of Neopets; Ixi, Skeiths, Scorchios,
everyone. "I gotta go. I'll see you in a few hours."
Had Nani had time to look back, he would have
seen the very crestfallen faces of his brothers walking to the Neopia Plaza.
Instead, he was busy finishing up the Creamy Hot Dog.
* * *
A few hours later, Nani burst through the door
into 30812 Neopia Avenue, Neopia Central. Exhausted, he couldn't even say "hi"
to his family as he walked upstairs to his bed. He flopped down and closed his
Why can't they leave me alone? he thought.
I know they want me to come with them, but I'm too busy working.
Today they'd started arguing with him about going
to Roo Island with them, and he'd almost lost his raise.
Suddenly he saw a hot dog flying by his eyes.
For some reason, it freaked him out. He felt himself standing up, but strangely,
he still felt like he was lying down on his bed. Then, suddenly, there were
hot dogs, everywhere.
Mustard bottles, streams of ketchup, potatoes,
everything, shot past his eyes. Some even hit his face and chest. As far as
he could see, hot dogs, everywhere. Too many... Nani started running in the
opposite direction, but he wasn't going anywhere... then he was falling, falling,
falling... and then he awoke.
Beads of sweat were still visible on his forehead.
Had it been a dream? He felt his forehead. No mustard. Good, it was just a dream.
But for some reason, it was a horrible one.
Then Nani became aware of a light on downstairs.
He heard voices. They sounded sad. He peeked down the stairs.
"... too concentrated on his job," came a voice,
which Nani distinguished as Japanese's. He sounded very sad, which surprised
him, because Japanese was almost never sad.
"I know," came SharkTale's voice, just as sad.
"It's almost as if he isn't our brother anymore. He used to love going places
with us, and now he stays in that oversized hot dog."
Butterfliex's voice spoke up, more calm than
the others', but still very sad by his standards. "He says he's helping our
family, but he's only really making things bad."
Nani almost shed a tear. Was this really what
he had turned into - a workaholic? He was just trying to help his family. But
like they'd said, he'd just torn himself away from them.
He climbed back into his bed. Now he knew what
to do.
* * *
The next morning, Nani arrived at the hot dog
stand, his work cap on his head.
"Hi, Nani," Hubert said with a smile. "Ready
to get to work?"
Nani looked Hubert in the eye. "Nope," he said.
Hubert almost seemed to get angry. "What?"
Nani pulled off his work cap. "That's right,
nope. I'm not working. In fact," he said as he threw his cap back at Hubert,
"I quit." And with that, he turned and walked away, wondering where he brothers
were that day.
The End