Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Smycks' Tales #1

by helmfinland

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Warf Rescue Team - Let 'Em Fly!!!
So, there you are, minding your own business when suddenly you see a furry, errr - nope, a flurry of Warfs race past you with parachutes in hand. You wonder, where are they going...

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A Hero's Journey: Part Four
"The kingdom shall see the dawn of a new ruler!" proclaimed the advisor. "Meridell is now mine!"

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The Five Kaus: Part Two
"You can't expect your pet to gain a large dose of strength without there being a huge release of energy in the process. Your pet is fine. Now let the smoke clear so that we can see the results."

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Catastrophe: the First
Oh, Poppie!!

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