There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword the_pie_love

Week - 623

by the_pie_love
Description: "Illusen, this is rich." Jhudora snorts and flings her copy of the Neopian Times at me. "They're calling it 'The Faeries' Ruin.' Ha!"

Week - 625

by the_pie_love
Description: "I feel the chill biting into my bones. Do you feel it too?"

Week - 710

Recruitment Day
by the_pie_love
Description: My father always had high hopes for me. From the day I was born, from the day he gave me my name, I was entrusted with tremendous expectations. And Father always tells me, “I’m just trying to give you all of the things my parents could never give to me.” He was Zachary Wentworth, the smiling face on the logo of Wentworth Plushies Inc. And so, I've never felt like my identity was mine to choose.

Week - 711

The Thief
by the_pie_love
Description: They say it only happens once every eighty years. The Prism. The sky is so much larger, so much more vast, than I can even comprehend. It glows in hues of purple and pink, silver and navy; it's like tender veins, reflections in the ocean, or millions of lost stars waiting to die. I’ve sat in this exact spot every night for weeks, doing just what I’m doing now, but never before has it been like this.

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A Meewoo Party - Part 2
Told ya.

Idea by kadfisch

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