Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,312,185 Issue: 641 | 18th day of Eating, Y16
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword nycflowergirl

Week - 628

A Dish Best Not Served
by nycflowergirl
Description: Today Serving...

Week - 631

The Rainblug Attacks
by nycflowergirl
Description: Munch!

Week - 633

Monoceraptor Garland
by nycflowergirl
Description: You have been sent an NC item gift!

Week - 634

Problems with Gourmet Foods
by nycflowergirl
Description: I'm hungry.

Week - 637

A Chance Encounter
by nycflowergirl
Description: The mountain hung high above the world below. On top of it the sky seemed to stretch forever outwards to the brink of infinity...

Week - 639

The Dice of Ultimate Probability
by nycflowergirl
Description: "Where did you get these? I've certainly never seen them before!"

Also by needforspeed2008

Week - 641

The Little Pea: Part One
by nycflowergirl
Description: Dawn crawled across Faerieland in a burst of golden radiance...

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It all started as a fairly normal day. I was sitting at my desk, writing up the report summary of my latest case.

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The Snow Kougra
Kira dashed out the door of the Soup Kitchen with her precious bundle in her hands. The bowl of soup was wrapped carefully to go and it kept her fingers warm through her threadbare gloves.

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Wild Cards #1
He has a pretty stressful job. We should give him a break.

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Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Four
"So let us see if we understand this properly, Lady Ayame," the king said, speaking in the royal plural. "The crown effectively supports the entire Abyssal Acres holding throughout the year, because it cannot support itself. Now you want even more money from us."

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