Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,227,707 Issue: 571 | 16th day of Storing, Y14
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword april_pumpkin

Week - 545

Endless Misery
by april_pumpkin
Description: Endless happily hummed to herself as she bounced along the familiar path towards home.

Week - 570

Temptation: Part One
by april_pumpkin
Description: Kayli sighed and looked down at her own caldron, the potion finished and waiting for inspection. She'd finished it while Dronus had been going through his opening instructions...

Week - 571

Temptation: Part Two
by april_pumpkin
Description: As the door swung open, Sweetpea let out a gasp, and Kayli felt her jaw drop. The room, which had once likely been a storage closet, was filled to the ceiling with swirling, shifting colours.

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Ventures #24
Operation T.R.E.K. Finale (1/2). ULTIMATE CLIMAX OF DOOM with expensive special effects!

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My mistress the Dark Faerie beckons. I enter the room, sweeping my skirts into a deep curtsey.

by aristocraticknavery


All Hallow’s Eve: Part Four
On the third night, a great storm raged around Neovia. Wind and rain pelted the house violently. Holly stood at her window and watched the lightning flash.

by kristykimmy


That Haunted Darkling, Delphine
No one knows from where Delphine originated, or what exactly had prompted her to settle down in Neopia Central. Many rumors circulated, but none dared to actually find out the truth: that would mean approaching the wicked Zafara herself!

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Ruined Library: Part Two
Lae and Akorri found Jinny outside the large room, standing patiently waiting for them by the door. The open sky stretched above them to replace the stifling ceiling inside. Both she and Akorri were unprepared for what they saw.

by aquadaika

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