Meow Circulation: 174,882,305 Issue: 377 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y11
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword aplistia

Week - 377

From Achrei's Lab Notebook: "The NP in a Name"
by aplistia
Description: Exactly how much more is a well-named pet 'worth' in comparison to a badly-named pet?

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Fancy a Simple Game of Chance?
Let's play!

Art by essyllus

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Interviews With the Avatar Keepers
These interviews will allow you to see what's really going on when you play these games. Hopefully they'll help give you a couple inside tips on the games as well!

by fin4lattempt


The Misfit
"I thought it would add some color to your room." I knew my explanation would be futile. Poison kept her bedroom in varying shades of grey and black.

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A Bad Experience
The dark swamp would scare most Neopians, but not Sophie. She had never feared the dark...

by a_greenparrot


Faerieland: How Do I Get There?
Place cannon on flat ground in open field. Shove reluctant Neopet directly down shaft. Add additional marshmallows as appropriate. Position cannon facing directly into the clouds. Fire away!

by fiinch

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