Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 174,882,305 Issue: 377 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y11
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New Series

Sky Pirates!: Part One

"You have sent my greatest pupil to the place where I betrayed you... I wonder... do you fear he will turn out just like me?"

by herdygerdy
A Mysterious Heir: Part One

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that! Just because it's my birthday, you don't have to treat me like I'm..."

by dancer_sakura
Seeking Summer: Part One

Summer now rounded on me. "No, both of YOU leave ME alone!" she shrieked. "I'm sick of being part of such a calm family!"

by bubbly_bows
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"Starry-Eyed" by mint_green_
She waited in line for the Merry Go Round, one of the only things she found slightly interesting on the island. As she handed 50 NP to the Blumaroo running the ride, he happily shouted to her, "Congratulations, young lady, as the 500th customer today, you've won an all-expenses-paid trip to Neopia Central..."

Other Stories


To Play a Clarinet
Ducky put it together to reveal that the jumble of pieces was actually a clarinet. She put on a reed, and began to play.

by duckyaisha


Please Leave Money in Jar
You find an old tape recorder with a grainy voice telling of exploration. Why is it left here...

by sunshine_nine9


Battledoming With a Budget: A Guide to Cheap Weapons
Building the best lineup of weapons for under 100,000 NP

by sicillan_killer


After the Abandonment
So you've just disowned your Neopet.

by mystery_island111223


Seeking Kacheek!
Happy Kacheek Day!

Art by ameya23

by confutation


Only in Neopia...
Sorry, friend, but I can't stick around. I have to leaf.

by aokajin

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