teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 174,882,305 Issue: 377 | 30th day of Sleeping, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Place cannon on flat ground in open field. Shove reluctant Neopet directly down shaft. Add additional marshmallows as appropriate. Position cannon facing directly into the clouds. Fire away!

After Abandonment

Owners face this problem daily. How exactly can they explain to their pet that they will never see their sibling again? A possibility is to disown that pet too, thus eliminating any sticky explanations. But you can only disown one pet a day. Too bad for you. So now you're stuck having to explain something to your pet that you would rather not. Fortunately, this article is geared towards helping you and your pet overcome this difficult experience. By following these nine simple steps...

Budget Battledoming

Training your pet and watching him succeed in the Battledome is one of the most satisfying experiences in Neopets. Unfortunately for most Neopians, the average user cannot afford the fancy Battledome items such as H400 Helmet, Thyora's Tear, or any of those fancy Hidden Tower weapons. Luckily, you don't need a bloated bank account to make your pet an effective fighter. This article will show you eight essential weapons to utilize that will only cost you 100,000...

The NP in a Name

The name of the neopet seemed to have a huge impact on the worth. Many people with pets who were painted but were 'badly-named' received no more than one or two offers, if any at all, while 'well-named' pets of the same species and color received multiple offers. And not only was there variation in the quantity of the offers, there seemed to be quite a difference in the supposed 'quality' of the offers as well...

Other Stories
"A Bad Experience" by a_greenparrot
The dark swamp would scare most Neopians, but not Sophie. She had never feared the dark, and she did not mind the old, dead trees. She had long gotten used to seeing and hearing the spooky petpets who wandered by her home. Sophie approached her home and entered. The shack was not much, but...

"Please Leave Money in Jar" by sunshine_nine9
Wandering through Geraptiku one afternoon (that afternoon after you finally escaped the deserted tomb), you stumble across a small tape recorder. Curious, your neopet picks it up and presses play. There's a grainy noise, and then a monotone voice starts to whisper...

"Starry-Eyed" by mint_green_
She waited in line for the Merry Go Round, one of the only things she found slightly interesting on the island. As she handed 50 NP to the Blumaroo running the ride, he happily shouted to her, "Congratulations, young lady, as the 500th customer today, you've won an all-expenses-paid trip to Neopia Central..."

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