Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword piitanga

Week - 327

Is not a good idea!
by piitanga
Description: WHAT?!

Week - 372

Santa's Xmas and the Attack of Usukis!
by piitanga
Description: Talk with Santa

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Surviving Hypothermia: A Guide to Ice Cream Machine
The objective of the game is to *avoid* the flying scoops of frozen delight! Now, why should you play a game that involves *avoiding* ice cream? Well, this game is fun, addicting, and with some practice, an easy money earner.

by grapesourhorse


Pint-Sized: Holiday Glums Part 3
Now where is Emsohl?

by lachtaube


The Author's Gift
"Aww. The poor old man." Trey's mom frowned, spooning out clumps of dough onto a baking sheet. "All alone on the Day of Giving? That just isn't right."

by vanessa1357924680


Letters for Lia
"Oh, get in the spirit, Val." Lia stuck the card onto the gift box. "Though it is kind of hard to get in the Winter spirit in this dreadful weather."

by kattrish


Most of the other investigators were spending time with their families, leaving Gareth to manage all claims that might arise over the holiday.

by dan4884

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