Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 177,117,159 Issue: 318 | 16th day of Storing, Y9
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword kaylamdal111112

Week - 271

Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part One
by kaylamdal111112
Description: Sam froze. He'd forgotten all about it. "The Warrior Ceremony's today?" he asked, trying to seem calm, though his nervousness showed in the way he acted, and he couldn't keep it from showing in his words...

Week - 272

Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Two
by kaylamdal111112
Description: He was pretty sure that whatever had attacked him in the water was the one who destroyed his sword. One thing was for sure; he'd have to take this to the Warrior Shaman...

Week - 273

Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Three
by kaylamdal111112
Description: It didn’t take long for Sam to find the blacksmith’s once he knew what to look for. He stalled a moment before going in. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect...

Week - 274

Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Four
by kaylamdal111112
Description: "The coins," the Draik said calmly, "are magical. They were made long ago after the Gelert defeated the creature by a young Xweetok. She gave them to the Gelert and his friend, a Draik. They were declared the Guardians..."

Week - 275

Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Five
by kaylamdal111112
Description: "It's worth a shot," she said. She reached over into Sam's pack and retrieved her coin, while Sam pulled his out of his pocket. Together, they put their coins in the holes. A bright light flashed, and when all of them opened their eyes...

Week - 284

Guardian: Part One
by kaylamdal111112
Description: Sage went over to the door and looked out. There, a baby green Shoyru was looking at a Buzzer as it flew around her head. "Ah, always getting into trouble," Sage said affectionately...

Week - 285

Guardian: Part Two
by kaylamdal111112
Description: Rionex turned around and glared at Sage. "Mom, they'd still think I'm crazy!" she cried angrily. "Why don't you want me to go near large bodies of water? Why won't you tell me even who my dad is? Why won't you explain anything to me?"

Week - 286

Guardian: Part Three
by kaylamdal111112
Description: The Zafara scowled at her. "Tell me, young Shoyru, for this is of great importance. Where did you get those bands?"

Week - 287

Guardian: Part Four
by kaylamdal111112
Description: Rionex opened her eyes as the first rays of sunlight illuminated her room. She sat up, making sure she had both of the bands still around her wrists. She sighed when she saw they were both there...

Week - 288

Guardian: Part Five
by kaylamdal111112
Description: The Creature dumped Rionex and Draco on the floor. "Darkstar," he growled, "you will stand guard over this traitor and pest until I call for you. Do you understand?"

Week - 318

Tales of Dark Mountain: Moonlight - Part One
by kaylamdal111112
Description: The Lirse and the Sorsay. Two bands of Shoyrus that once lived in harmony...

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