teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 145,228,152 Issue: 305 | 17th day of Hiding, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword shinkoryu14

Week - 262

Highrock Pack History Songs: Birth of Skysong Pack
by shinkoryu14
Description: The Tyrannian Lupe took a deep breath of the rain soaked jungle air. As it passed over the scent glands in his nose, he detected the odors of trees, prey, and damp earth. There was a faint scent he didn't recognize, but that wasn't important...

Week - 305

Highrock Pack History Songs: Storm Surge - Part One
by shinkoryu14
Description: It had a dull brown coat of short, coarse fur slicked back by water. Its ears were short tufts, and it had long whiskers. It also had flippers...

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Fighting Kass; The Tale of a Treehouse
My domain, though, did not lie within my cottage, or even within the huge corridors of Brightvale Castle, where my father worked. I spent my entire childhood in what I considered the most magical thing any backyard could have...

by funkaneo123lala


One Day At A Time
8:30 a.m. Check in at the Defender Headquarters. Judge Hog is being his usual surly self...

by ayame_23


Star Power: Part One
"I look like a less pretty version of Turmaculus, and to add on to that, I think I lost my voice," Lena groaned...

by springsteen0991


Pirate Steel: Part Two
Garin snorted. "You heard the little twerp; sounds like she's hated pirates since she was two. No way would she read books about us..."

by quinn9x9


Cloudy with a chance of rain.

by cocoakitty95

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