Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 169,514,968 Issue: 293 | 25th day of Hunting, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword raizindaroof

Week - 291

An Illusion Spun: Part One
by raizindaroof
Description: It was desolate -- completely, utterly, and totally empty. There were no beach chairs, no lifeguards, no sand castles, no pets swimming in the crystal-clear waters. It was as if Cherry was the only pet in the world...

Week - 292

An Illusion Spun: Part Two
by raizindaroof
Description: "There's a Mootix buzzing around here. I figured we could fry it." Her eyes traveled to the pile of logs that was obviously lacking in fire-building quality. "If we get a fire going, that is..."

Week - 293

An Illusion Spun: Part Three
by raizindaroof
Description: They had scoured the island with a treasure hunter's eye, searching for anything that could help them escape this island -- because in whose wildest dreams did four pets wind up on a forgotten speck in the middle of the sea, unable to remember how exactly they had gotten there?

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Illusen pushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and looked at the squire. "You said she had been possessed, correct?"

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Jhudora's Quest
Honesty is the best policy.

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Revenge and Resistance: Part Eight
They began sifting through the rubble, looking for any signs. Problem was, they couldn't find anything but exploded rock and twisted steel. There never was anybody in here...

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Secrets and Shadows: Part Four
For several minutes they crouched there, behind the ancient disintegrating sofa, trembling with fear. It seemed like forever. The Eyrie lieutenant took a deep breath and...

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Mutant Asparagus
Uh Oh!!

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