There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 23 result(s) for the keyword simsman24000

Week - 165

The Lesser-Known Petpets: Felly
by simsman24000
Description: Well, it seems quite obvious that most of Neopia is ignorant to the wonderful little creature aptly (or rather not aptly) named the ‘Felly.’

Week - 165

Bucky the Babaa
by simsman24000
Description: LIEK OMG IT'Z A BUCKY COMIC!!!!!!111

Week - 164

Bucky the Babaa's Halloween Special
by simsman24000
Description: You heard me!

Week - 166

Wrawk the Merciless: Part One
by simsman24000
Description: "Now I can actually get back to plotting my evil schemes!"

Week - 167

Wrawk the Merciless: Part Two
by simsman24000
Description: "Wow! That's neat!" cried Wrawk. "So tell me...what am I thinking?"

Week - 168

Wrawk the Merciless: Part Three
by simsman24000
Description: "What could possibly help us in a situation like this?" asked Keego doubtfully. She glared at Wrawk, who put on a frown and widened his eyes. "Oh, no, don't do this to! Not Lupe eyes."

Week - 167

The Lesser-Known Petpets: Deaver
by simsman24000
Description: The Deaver is a clever little creature that sells for 8 dubloons... but you can’t put a price on Petpet love!

Week - 166

Adskidaf, Inc.
by _chazm_
Description: And you thought one rascal was enough...

Week - 168

The Lesser-Known Petpets: Wadjet
by simsman24000
Description: The masculine, manly, Cleopatra-esque Wadjet is a sandy-looking creature that hails from the Lost Desert. At least, I think it does, because I haven’t heard anything about the Wadjet much since it was first released...

Week - 169

Something Has Happened
by tdyans
Description: Ooh! I'm SO SCARED!

Also by Simsman24000

Week - 168

Bucky the Babaa
by simsman24000
Description: "A Very Traumatic Experience"

Week - 169

Bucky the Babaa
by simsman24000
Description: I'll never forgive you!

Week - 172

The Lesser-Known Petpets: Zamillion
by simsman24000
Description: What’s this that just came out of the Cooking Pot? Why... it’s a Zamillion!

Week - 170

Bucky The Babaa Christmas Special
by simsman24000
Description: Some Neopets have certain advantages...

Week - 173

The P-Word
by simsman24000
Description: "You forgot to tell me my name."

Week - 171

The YurBoRuki Factor (And An Introductory January Recap)
by simsman24000
Description: Plop down on a chair and listen as I recap what I believe to be the most important events to have occurred in Neopia since Tonuplasty and Spardel Reconstructive Surgery appeared just south of Tyrannia...

Week - 177

Item Descriptions For The Alternative Neopian: A Fifth Helping
by too_kule
Description: Ripped Skarl : All those months at the gym finally paid off!

Also by simsman24000

Week - 180

Frankie Sloth, Medical Student
by simsman24000
Description: Have you ever cared to take a glimpse into the life of Frank Sloth... before the whole evil thing? Well, long story short, here’re Sloth’s journals...

Week - 177

Iggy The Quiggle
by simsman24000
Description: No more!

Week - 184

Bucky the Babaa
by simsman24000
Description: A bit late on the bandwagon...

Week - 192

The Great Blurendo
by blubblub317
Description: With each laugh of the king, the Blumaroo waved his hands again and performed another one of his magical tricks and illusions...

Also by simsman24000

Week - 193

Bucky the Babaa
by simsman24000
Description: How did you come to own me?

Week - 248

The Completely Brief Comprehensive History of Neopia
by simsman24000
Description: Please, everyone – read this now! Before you too meet an untimely fate at the center of the planet! Learn about the TRUE past of Neopia, before it's too late! My research has brought me down to the core of this wholesome sphere, and it is here that I must tell you this information...

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