Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 120,791,029 Issue: 244 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword danama

Week - 238

The Fall of Qasala: Part One
by danama
Description: “My spies tell me that their ruler, Princess Amira, apparently isn’t content with just Sakhmet. She has this idea that she rules over the entire Desert. To enforce her rule, she’s sent out armies to conquer any ‘renegade cities’ that might have hidden themselves from her eye.”

Week - 239

The Fall of Qasala: Part Two
by danama
Description: I couldn't help but wonder just how many Qasalans were listening to the message with an increasing sense of dismay. To be torn away from your home...

Week - 240

The Fall of Qasala: Part Three
by danama
Description: "Who cares? The illusion was about to fail, and we can hold them anyway," Jazan insisted sulkily...

Week - 241

The Fall of Qasala: Part Four
by danama
Description: "Qasala will only ever belong to the King or Queen of the city, and will never bow down to Sakhmet. You can try to destroy it, but be warned: we will fight back..."

Week - 242

The Fall of Qasala: Part Five
by danama
Description: "I need to find a few thousand soldiers from somewhere, pets who can wield a blade without cutting themselves. Unfortunately all my guards are... busy..."

Week - 243

The Fall of Qasala: Part Six
by danama
Description: "Vinifae!" Jazan had spotted me, despite my efforts to stay out of his sight. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay in the city."

Week - 244

The Fall of Qasala: Part Seven
by danama
Description: As much as I hated Jazan, I knew that Razul loved him intensely, and that his loss would prove devastating for my King. I wanted more than anything to go down onto the sand and search for Jazan and Nightsteed...

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