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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 147 > Short Stories > Always For Her

Always For Her

by roxycaligirl101

"Why am I still here?" an annoyed, spotted Kougra muttered to himself.

     Rikku leaned back on the brown slabs of rock that surrounded the Tyrannian Concert Hall and folded his paws across his chest. By the look that was on his face, anyone could’ve told he wished he was anywhere but there. It was the middle of the night, everyone who had attended the concert was gone but he was still standing outside. The cold winds of Tyrannia whipped his golden and shadowy fur and he held his black leather jacket tighter around him. Rikku had tolerated the most horrid music, Yes Boy Ice Cream, for an entire night. The spotted Kougra shuttered every time he heard the band’s name. He had put with the screeching and beeps; now he just wanted to go home. Rikku had an early Battledome match in the morning. It wasn’t going to be an easy battle and he really needed some sleep. Besides, Rikku didn’t want to loiter around the unknown land of rocks; he just wanted to go home to Mystery Island. Suddenly, a Faerie Kougra bounded up next to him. With the sight of the beautiful girl, he knew instantly why he had tolerated the cold, waiting, and horrible music. He has done it for her, it was always for her. It was for his best friend and his only true friend.

     "I'm sure they will be coming out soon," she declared and took the spot on the wall next to him. "You can go home if you want to," she offered. "I can take care of myself."

     "I'll stay, Queenie," Rikku told her. He'd do anything for Queenie, she was truly perfect. A rare treasure that many spend their lives searching for and he had found his, in a Faerie Kougra that stood right next to him. Rikku never would have imagined that he'd ever have a good of friend as Queenie.

     "Thanks," Queenie answered with a huge grin across her face. "It's good to have some sort of company. If only I could get Yes Boy Ice Cream's autograph it would be the best gift for Roxy's birthday. She just loves their retro future style."

     "I know," Rikku mumbled.

     "They should be coming out any minute," Queenie repeated and peered at the door that led to the backstage dressing rooms.

     "You said that an hour ago," Rikku criticized harshly.

     "I know and I'm sorry," Queenie pouted. She felt terrible for having to make her best friend sit through a Yes Boy Ice Cream concert and to have to wait around in the near freezing cold for hours. Her sister's birthday was coming up and she knew Roxy would just die for a Yes Boy Ice Cream’s autographs; it would be the perfect present. Her sister was a famous author for the Neopian Times and a normal, boring present wouldn't have cut it. She had to get something spectacular and unique. This would be the ultimate present that not even a famous writer could ignore.

     "I'm sorry," Rikku muttered. He always seemed to never say what he wanted to. Rikku always said things which made him sound like a major jerk; but he really wasn't. He just didn't have skills in the art of communication. The Spotted Kougra made up for his lack of communication skills by being awesome in Battledome and a terrific surfer. He'd give up his trophies in both fields to be able to say the right thing at the right time. Rikku had the habit of speaking before thinking; it usually got him into a lot of trouble.

     A beam of light flashed on the two waiting Kougras. A round, little Yellow Chia appeared holding a flashlight. He wore a black shirt that read, "Security."

     "What are you Kougras doing?" he barked, as he shifted the beam back and forth slowly panning the two cubs. The security guard believed he had caught two Kougras up to no good. "The concert ended hours ago. Everyone has gone home, why haven't you?"

     "None of your business," Rikku snapped. He wasn't scared of this plump, little Chia.

     "Excuse me? I better get some answers soon or you are both going to be in trouble," the security guard warned them.

     "We are waiting for Yes Boy Ice Cream to come out through the back. I want to get their autograph for my sister. It's her birthday soon and it would make the perfect gift," Queenie answered truthfully.

     "Sorry to disappoint you but Yes Boy Ice Cream is long gone," the guard informed them. “They skipped out of here quicker than a thief; to catch a boat to somewhere. They are probably miles away from here by now."

     "That's awful," Queenie moaned. "What am I going to get Roxy now?"

     "Go home, cubs," the guard advised them as he clicked off his flashlight. He walked away into the shadows to finish making his rounds.

     "So, it was all for nothing?" Rikku screeched. "We waited in the cold for hours, listened to that horrid music for nothing," Rikku exclaimed angrily. "All that torture was for nothing! Thanks a lot, Queenie. This was such a stupid plan I'd knew it would never work and now you just wasted over two thousand Neopoints on nothing. Queenie, for someone who is smart as yourself you sure make a lot of stupid mistakes."

     "Don't rub it in or anything," Queenie snapped and jumped into the air. Her delicate but massive faerie wings caught her weight in mid air. She didn’t even bother to look back while she zoomed off into the black sky. Her heart was full of rage and disappointment.

     "Queenie! Stop! Wait!" Rikku called desperately as he watched his friend disappear into the haunting, night sky. "I'm sorry!" He yelled as loud as he could, but it was too late. Queenie couldn't hear him anymore. Rikku sighed and silently kicked himself. This wasn't the first time he had said the wrong thing. Why did he always have to say the wrong thing? Why did he always seem to make the worst situation even worse? Rikku trudged off sadly into the night shadows of the Tyrannian Plateau.

* * * *

Queenie's wings lashed angrily as she flew through the night air. She felt bad enough she couldn’t get Roxy the present she deserved but her best friend had to rub her face in it. Rikku always seemed to point her flaws or what exactly was going wrong with her life. She was aware but she didn't need to be reminded of it all the time. Queenie flew the long flight to her home in Neopian Central, in record time due to her rage. She finally soared over the lights of city and headed toward the outskirts. She looked carefully below her paws and spotted a familiar landing pad. She landed carefully on the landing pad in the garden. Queenie fumed as she stormed through the gardens to the side door of her home. She kicked open the glass door. If she kicked it any harder she would have shattered the glass door and windows in the entire room. Everyone that called Queenie perfect didn't know about her major flaw; her temper. It always brought out the worse in the Faerie Kougra.

     Queenie looked around the almost all glass room. Upon a beach chair, her little brother’s petpet was fast asleep. He was curled up into a dark, little ball and looked so innocent and adorable. The Faerie Kougra was surprised that kicking open the door hadn't woken him up. The Mutant Puppyblew must have decided to wait up for her but had fallen asleep in the process. Queenie pulled off her navy jacket and draped in on the snoring Darker. She couldn't blame him for sleeping, it was really late and almost everyone was at home in bed now. Queenie crept through the house quietly trying not to wake up her dozing family members. Queenie walked softly to the kitchen to grab a snack before she went to bed, she found it odd that there was a yellow glow coming from the kitchen. Someone must have left the light on, Queenie thought. She entered the room and noticed it was no accident the light was on. A Halloween Kougra was at the counter making two rather large sandwiches. The chef was Oke, her little brother.

     "Hey, sis! Darker and I were just waiting up for you," Oke said while he placed some lettuce on the towering sandwiches. He had to be careful not to puncture holes in the lettuce with his claws. "We got hungry, so I figured I'd make a snack."

     "Darker fell asleep," Queenie informed him.

     "Figures, he is always sleeping. I can't eat these both, you want one?" Oke offered as he put the last two pieces of bread on the two towers of sandwiches. No one in the family could cook, so they basically lived off of sandwiches and other simply easy to make food like toast.

     "Sure, they look great," Queenie replied. She crossed the room and she helped Oke carry the two completed sandwiches to the kitchen table. "What's in these?" Queenie asked and examined the different colored layers of her sandwich.

     "Everything but some White Weewoos," Oke joked and tried to keep a straight face. She knew he was just kidding the sandwich was just probably as simple as ham or something like that. You never could tell with Oke though because he did love to eat Strawberry Artichokes. Queenie lifted the bread of the sandwich and examined it carefully. She sniffed the meat and decided it wasn’t that of a White Weewoo.

     “How was the concert?” Oke asked. Queenie took a huge bite of her sandwich and sighed. She didn’t bother to give her brother a reply; she didn’t want to relive the memories of the night. "Why the sad face? Was the concert that bad?" Oke asked concerned. He never saw his sister so sad; she was normally pretty content Kougra. Queenie had calmed down now and seemed more depressed than angry. "You should be happy you got Roxy the best present in the world. Darker and I were talking about it and we wish we had gotten it for her."

     "I couldn't get their autograph," Queenie sighed and stared at the food in front of her. Suddenly, she lost her appetite.

     "No way!" Oke exclaimed. "What are you going to get her now?"

     "I don't know. Look Oke, I am tired I think I am just going to bed," Queenie informed him while she rose from the table.

     "What about your sandwich?" Oke inquired.

     "I lost my appetite." Queenie admitted and disappeared from the kitchen. The Halloween Kougra grabbed Queenie's neglected sandwich and put it on his plate. Queenie walked up the stairs to her bedroom trying to think of another present to get her sister. She could always get Roxy clothes or make up but she wanted to get something special for her sister. She would appreciate the clothes or grooming items but it wouldn't be the same.

* * * *

Rikku had spent all night wandering aimless through the Tyrannia. He had ended up at the docks and missed the last ship to Neopian Central. The spotted Kougra was going to miss his Battledome match. Rikku hated to miss a match but there wasn't anything he could do. Unlike Queenie, he was a landlubber and couldn't fly to Neopian Central. He couldn’t even go home to Mystery Island because the next boat didn't embark for a couple of hours. The spotted Kougra was stuck at the stone docking station of Tyrannia and sitting on a rather on uncomfortable marble bench. Rikku watched the Neopets and humans that glided through the lobby of the docks and tried to distract himself. He was trying to keep himself from mentally beating himself up; he had done enough of that last night. The spotted Kougra lay back down on the stone bench; he hadn't slept a wink and decided to catch some shut eye while he waited for his boat. A pair of Blumaroos sat down on the bench next to him, he didn't mean to eavesdrop but his large ears picked up on their conversation.

     "I can't believe Yes Boy Ice Cream is going to be performing at King Roo's Jubilee. This is going to be so exciting," the Green one told his yellow companion. Rikku ears pricked up and he began to listen more intently.

     "Who cares about those Shoyrus? They are just a filler because M*YNCI couldn't make it. At least, 2 Gallon Hatz is going to be there," The Yellow Blumaroo answered.

     "Don't forget Sticks 'N Stones!"

     "And a Dice-A-Roo tournament!"

     "Free gift bags from the Spring Shop!"

     "Gift certificates to the Grandma Roo's Cafe."

     "Autographs from all the musical guests!"

     "We might be able to meet King Roo!"

     A voice called loudly interrupting the excited Blumaroos,

     "Boat #456 to Roo Island will be departing in fifteen minutes! The boat to Roo Island leaving in fifteen minutes!"

     "Let's go!" The Blumaroos squealed loudly and bounced toward the ships. Rikku didn't care much about the Jubilee for King Roo or the free stuff, but he knew that Yes Boy Ice Cream would be there. He scrambled over the ticket window where an elderly, wrinkled Tyrannian Moehog sat behind the counter.

     "You again," he huffed angrily. "I told you there are no more boats until this afternoon for Mystery Island. No exceptions!"

     Rikku slapped his ticket to Mystery Island on the counter and stated, "I want to exchange this for Boat #456 to Roo Island."

* * * *

Queenie still couldn’t figure out what to get Roxy for her birthday. Queenie figured she'd wake up this morning with some brilliant idea, but she didn't. She had Battledome matches all that morning and she was planning to go shopping for a gift afterwards. In her last match, Queenie had fought against a Mutant Krawk and had barely succeeded in winning. Queenie pulled her bag over her shoulder and walked to the lobby of the Neopian Central Battledome Arena. A familiar Island Ixi was sitting a chair in the center of the lobby. An anxious Ixi called to her,

     "Hey Queenie!"

     "Hey Vix! How did your match with Rikku go?" Queenie replied. Vix was the type of pet who lived for Battledome; the Island Ixi was never seen outside the Battledome arenas, unless she was training.

     "It never happened," Vix informed Queenie. “He never showed up.”

     "What?" Queenie gasped, "That's not like Rikku. He'd never miss a match."

     "I know. You think something happened to him?" Vix asked.

     "I don't know," Queenie replied while images of her best friend surrounded by demons and monsters filled her head. Vix sensed Queenie's worry and rapidly declared,

     "I'm sure he is fine. He can take care of himself."

     "I bet you’re right," Queenie feigned a smile because worry still filled her brain and heart. She just hoped Rikku was all right.

     "I have to go I have another match in the Haunted Woods. If you see Rikku tell him to get in touch with me to reschedule," Vix called as she raced out the door.

     "Bye Vix!" Queenie called while the Island Ixi scampered out the door. "Where are you, Rikku?" Queenie muttered to herself as she began the walk toward the many shops of Neopian Central hoping to find a gift for her sister.

* * * *

Queenie returned home gift less, she couldn't find anything as possibly as special as what her older sister deserved. Queenie trudged through the garden to the front door. Roxy's birthday was tomorrow and unless she came up with a brilliant idea soon, she'd be gift less for Roxy's big day. No one deserves not to get a gift from their sibling on their birthday. Before she could open the door of her Neohome, it flung open and a Striped Shoyru flew barreled outside. Her older sister torpedoed Queenie and they stumbled backwards. Roxy quickly pulled her little sister into a hug. She squealed happily,

     "Thank you so much for the gift! It's not even my birthday yet! Thank you so much Queenie!"

     "What are you talking about, Roxy?" Queenie asked dazed and confused. The striped Shoyru pulled out a Yes Boy Ice Cream Trading Card which was signed by all three members of the band. "But...I..."

     "Rikku dropped it off. He said you accidentally left it with him," Roxy babbled. "I am going to show Kyo264!" Roxy loosened her grasp on her sister and took off into the air, "Thanks again, Queenie! You're the best sister ever." Queenie watched for a minute while her sister flew out of sight. She stood there in shock for a couple more seconds before the Faerie Kougra raced inside the house.

     She threw down her bag and called up the stairs, "I'm going out and won't be home till late." Queenie raced out the door and took to the air to begin the flight to Mystery Island into setting sun.

* * * *

Rikku rested on a boat’s bench while they cruised toward Mystery Island. He looked up at the night sky which sparkled with stars and pulled his leather jacket closer to him. It had been a long day, he had taken the boat to Roo Island and stood in line for three hours to get Yes Boy Ice Cream's autograph. Then, he took another boat to Neopian Central to drop off the gift for Queenie’s sister. Rikku raced from his best friend’s house to the docks and caught the last boat home to Mystery Island without a minute to spare. Rikku was dirty, his eyes were bloodshot from getting little to no sleep, and his fur stuck up in every direction. He was ready to go home, take a bath and get some rest.

     The boat had finally docked at the harbor of Mystery Island. Rikku stepped off the boat and walked down the docks to find a rather familiar Faerie Kougra in a navy jacket. She stood there waiting for him.

     "Hey," she whispered.

     "Hi," Rikku replied softly. He looked like such a complete mess and as always Queenie looked beautiful. After all, she was painted Faerie.

     "I don't know how you did it, but thanks," Queenie said. Rikku hesitated for a minute and stared at his bottom paws. Then, for the first time in his entire life, Rikku finally said the thing he wanted to,

     "Anything for you, Queenie. Anything for my friend, especially my best friend."

The End

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