Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,074,987 Issue: 959 | 29th day of Eating, Y24
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Short Stories

A Guild Members Birthday Celebration

"It was two days before Kara’s birthday and her buddy ole pal, Chaos the evil Fuzzle had plans for her. He wanted to make Kara’s birthday as special as he could."

by pnaylala24
Blessed by the Blue Faerie

A journey to find where one truly belongs.

by thebellmaker
The Daughters of Ilere

Long ago, a single day at the Faerie Academy would change the course of Meridellian - if not Neopian - History forever.

by pikapi20
How Slow Can You Go?

A tale about friendship and the diversity of Maraqua Neopets.

by i_lovee_icecream
Hello Mum

"It was an unusually bright night in the Haunted Woods. No clouds or fog marred Kredulor as it shone bright, the moon at its fullest. The trees whispered to each other in the quiet wind."

by june_scarlet
The Tri-National Summit

"It was a quiet day in Meridell. Too quiet."

by parody_ham
Castle Planners Journal: The Cheese Incident

"An orange Bori stood at the top of a tall tower looking out across all of Meridell. This watch tower afforded him a great view of all of the castle that he was responsible for, specifically, the bright red roofing tiles."

by ferretboy85
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"Blessed by the Blue Faerie" by thebellmaker
She quickly grabbed hold of the passing train as it swiftly went by. A small but sturdy Purple Zafara pulled herself inside the train compartment. It was empty except for remnants of hay that were transported at an earlier time. It was evening when all the stars were beginning to be visible in the deep blue sky.

Other Stories


Neggsellent Gifts
"This year marks the 13th Festival of Neggs, this is one you will want to celebrate." collab with Azizara

by tamra1024


Caring for Gruslens
"Have you ever considered what it takes to fully care for a Gruslen?" collab with megaamark

by alienigenosidad


Another Hero's Journey...to Krawk Island
the final chapter!

by precious_katuch14


Venture Capital: Road to the Neopets Stock Market
"Have you ever considered investing in the Neopets Stock Market, and wondered how the companies there came to be?" collab with myncithemonkey

by typlohisioh


Missing Krawk Island Stamps
It's not a donation if you steal it, though...

by fooshfuush


Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions
Don't forget to rate and tip!

by wizzy13_7

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