Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,074,987 Issue: 959 | 29th day of Eating, Y24
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Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions

by wizzy13_7

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Muffin like friends
The way to a Grarrl's heart and brainz. collab with myncithemonkey and timothy1692

by verna_


The new flash
RIP Flash

by wuackty


Hello Mum
"It was an unusually bright night in the Haunted Woods. No clouds or fog marred Kredulor as it shone bright, the moon at its fullest. The trees whispered to each other in the quiet wind."

by june_scarlet


10 Cheap Ways To Celebrate Cybunny Day
"Here are 10 affordable ways you can help celebrate this special day without having to eat at the Soup Kitchen afterwards."

by alaynaweb

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