Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 110,063,438 Issue: 169 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Short Stories

Red Boots, Green Pencil

When Jupe came home he was delighted to see his father had gone out to work. He dropped his bag in the entrance hall, took a few steps back and stared at the scene. His father was an absolute control-freak.

by shadyy15
Thus, the Clock Struck Twelve

I turned around and headed straight for my window. I pushed the curtains to the side and lifted up the window, but only to find that many iron bars had been nailed to the windowsill.

by shadih_temporary
A Portrait of Philistines

"I told you, my owner's going to paint a family portrait of us to hang in the Neohome so that she can impress her friends when they come over and show them what a fantastic bunch of pets she has..."

by battlesunn
A Kadoatery Tale

I don't like it here. It smells. It smells really bad. And, everyone is crying. Crying and crying and crying and they just won't stop...

by sirussblack
The Cybunny Caper

Celina was the one with the Babaa. Kalina and Ayisha ran into Celina's room. It was empty, except for one little Babaa standing in the middle of the room, pointing to a piece of paper on Celina's bed.

by kacheeklover3579
Kanrik's Tale: Memories

That very night the sickness came. Their mother stayed up all night with Kanrica, who had developed a cough. Ayenti lay awake in the darkness and listened, his worry growing with each rasping breath his sister took.

by extreme_fj0rd
Just One Wish

"My name is Eithne. You shouldn't be so heartbroken on such a lovely day. Do you want to explain what's wrong?"

by cheopspyramid
A Desperate Situation

Living in Neopia Central, Pixee had employed every other resource to cure Daisy before coming here. She had seen the Gelert Doctor at the hospital, dropped by Kauvara's Magic Shop, and even sent letters to the famous Kaelyn of Meridell, among countless other things.

by dogzruleyeah330
The Aisha Trio

Angelina thought that this was the best day of her life, but she knew it wouldn't last long, for when she got to her new Neohome she saw why the girl had chosen her.

by belldandy213
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"A Desperate Situation" by Dogzruleyeah330
She had seen the Gelert Doctor at the hospital, dropped by Kauvara's Magic Shop, and even sent letters to the famous Kaelyn of Meridell...

Other Stories


Neopets TCG 102: Deck Building on a Budget
If you’ve bought the starter set and have begun to look at options for expanding your decks, one thing becomes clear: this can become a very expensive hobby. But it doesn’t have to be!

by neopian_queen_liana


A Neopian Christmas
Everyone knows that it can be quite a challenge to make sure everything is ready for whatever December holiday you‘re celebrating in real life. But it can also be loads of fun to have a Neopian Christmas!

by midnight_millenia


One Angry Kyrii: Part One
Dark circles beneath his eyes, the green Kyrii wandered out from his bedroom and into the main living room of the apartment he shared with a certain red Lenny...

by buddy33774


Whiteout: Part Three
I knocked again and yet there still wasn't any reply, not even a grumble. Curious, I turned the knob and entered the room. The study was very much the same as I had left it a week ago: cluttered, dusty and bone-chillingly cold.

by scarrift


Bucky the Babaa
I'll never forgive you!

by simsman24000


Sasha's Sketches
Real smooth, dude...

by washeh

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