Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,954,650 Issue: 810 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y19
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Continued Series

Ballindalloch: Epilogue

Kenneth, Avery's Knowledgeable Shorter Mover White Scorchio Friend who'd Once Choked, lived in Albat Court. It shouldn't have surprised her, really, as Whittaker was a very small town.

by dewdropzz
Hitomi the Witch:Part Seven


by downrightdude
A Hero's Journey:Part Five

Smoke started to set in and block out Nate's vision. He realized, as he laid face down on the wooden boat, that he was unharmed.

by jetaketa
Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter:Part Two

I had gotten an early start to the day. I had gotten up and ready before our alarm clock had even gone off. For purposes relating to our prank, I picked my clothes carefully and threw the exact same set onto Wila’s bed so she could be my mirror image.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Giving Day at Black Keep:Part Three

Two white paws slammed down on the table. "Mother!" Celice barked, ears perked forward and fur bristling. "That is quite enough!"

by cosmicfire918
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"Giving Day at Black Keep:Part Three" by cosmicfire918
Two white paws slammed down on the table. "Mother!" Celice barked, ears perked forward and fur bristling. "That is quite enough!" Kass’s eyes snapped up at her in shock. "Lord Kass has shown our family nothing but kindness and hospitality, and this is how you repay him?" The sorceress leaned over the table toward her mother. "How dare you insult him! You think yourself superior just because of your family ties, but Lord Kass is ten times the noblepet you will ever be with that attitude!" Minevra’s jaw dropped. "Celice—darling," she stammered. "How could you say such awful things to your own mother?" "Because they’re true," Celice growled. "And it’s time someone calls you out on it before you become even more of a monster." "Well, I—" Minevra took a few halting steps back, obviously not used to someone actually standing up to her. "I just—oh, this is rotten!" she wailed. "You’re all being perfectly beastly!" In a flurry of expensive fabric, she turned and ran from the hall, sobbing loudly. "Dear!" Crom called after her, nearly knocking over his chair as he ran to follow her, as did Belven. Elyria shot her sister a nasty look. "How could you upset Mother so?" the Blumaroo hissed. "Perhaps spending Giving Day with you was a mistake." Before Celice could reply, Elyria said, "Come on, Rondas, let’s go console Mother." She tugged her husband out of his chair and stormed out of the hall with him in tow.

Other Stories


Kaia’s Christmas Break
Snow in Shenkuu was a rare sight unless you were the rare neopet who dared to venture all the way up to Mount Kuji. There was something magical in the way it effortlessly covered everything from the ceramic roof tops of the palace towers, to the many steps of the Lunar Temple.

by restisunwritten


Have a Mara Christmas
The palace of New Maraqua shone with twinkling lights, powered by cheery holiday magic. Maraquan citizens swam to and fro in the marketplace just outside, gathering their last-minute purchases.

by newenglandquizzer


December Surroundings
The month of celebration is a time to be merry, eat, give, and be together with loved ones. My favorite time of the year is almost upon us and I can't wait to celebrate this festive occasion with everyone.

Also by Greyfever

by yuri445


Double Chocophobia: An Ice Cream Machine Guide
To some, Adee the Chia's life might be the stuff of, well, dreams. Can you imagine being stuck in an ice cream factory?

by tsiegred


Who is the smartest one of all?

by speeedway


NeoPaper: Day of Giving Preparations
Ready, set, holiday!

by mbredboy31

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