The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 128,614,511 Issue: 257 | 15th day of Gathering, Y8
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Ultimate Power...?

by flippyflop771

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Why You Shouldn't Feed Florg
He's had enough!

by loveycake


1ns4n1t3 aka Insanity
Tell me again why you bought a mutant kadoatie?

by snowangel771


Gallery Spotlight: A Step-to-Step Guide
Choose something that you like. Otherwise, you might get impatient and decide to give up halfway.

by pokemon_lunatic


The Terrors of a Neohome
Tizenk had run off to the door of our nice new Neohome. But within seconds she was back again. "Mom, where's the door?"

by mystify8888

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