Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,894,046 Issue: 950 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y23
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword imbitter

Week - 816

Six Astonishing Outfits For Your Valentine
by madiwoo
Description: It’s that time of the year again where everything is pink, red and covered in hearts. Valentine’s Day is a great time to show your precious Neopets just how much you care about them. How you ask?

Also by teukieteukie and imbitter

Week - 848

Behind Kacheek and Sons
by imbitter
Description: For those of you who are frequent users of the stock market, you may have noticed a name that has been at the top for such a long time. Those four letters, KSON

also by barfburg and latrellstephen

Week - 849

Ice Cream Machine flavors ranked worst to best
by imbitter
Description: I have very strong opinions on how good ice cream flavors are. And I couldn’t help while playing Ice Cream Machine to think about the taste of each individual levels flavor. I’ve taken the time to rank them from my least favorite up to my favorite. You may have your own opinions, but my rankings are sound. So here we go.

Week - 852

How gross foods are made
by imbitter
Description: Delicious little accidents

also by latrellstephen

Week - 879

Seven Falltastic Looks For Your Pet
by imbitter
Description: Hello my fellow Neopians! The seasons are shifting and the leaves are changing. You know what that means - fall is almost upon us! There are so many ways to customise for Autumn, and with all the colors popping you’re sure to have plenty of outfit options. We’ve created six different looks to help you show off your love of what’s the best season! Ahem, in our personal opinion at least.

also by barfburg

Week - 904

Kindness Brings Colour
by imbitter
Description: Be kind! also by techoknowsbest

Week - 905

Mira's Tips & Guides to Space Exploration
by miist
Description: Read on to learn about about the different academic achievements Mira has accomplished. Also by imbitter

Week - 923

The Best Advent Calendar Items
by imbitter
Description: Today we're looking back at the past, going through the best items that have been given out by the Advent Calendar. Collab with with depraving

Week - 950

Gifts for Weewoos
by imbitter
Description: The month of giving is upon us. With this article, we’ll list 18 items to give, not just to anyone, but to your Weewoo! Collab with latrellstephen

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Weewoos, a History: Told Through the Caption Contest
You’ve seen articles about them, and how-tos, and care guides, but have you ever seen a historical chronicle of Weewoo appearances in the Caption Contest?

by _razcalz_


Spot the Difference! - Special 950th Edition
Spot the difference... or the hidden pattern? Collab with neomystress and cisko116

by emilyhunter5034


It's that time of the year again
Happy 950th edition! Collab with doug_henrique and chantili_doce

by javascripter


Drawn that way
Oh are you excited for christmas too?

by brenda_bbm

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