Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,233,500 Issue: 834 | 13th day of Swimming, Y20
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword rafa_potter

Week - 831

Snow is no good
by rafa_potter
Description: Aww man I just wanted to eat a snowflake..

Week - 831

8 Meridell Themed Wearables for the Altador Cup
by rafa_potter
Description: Once a year, since the rediscover of Altador, we are pleased with Neopia’s greatest event: the Altador Cup! That said, it has become a tradition for a lot of Neopians to support their teams by customising their beloved Neopets with official clothing, trinkets and backgrounds made specifically for the event, such as team jerseys, flags, banners, make ups and many others. These items do a very good job when it comes to proudly baring your team’s logo and color schemes.

Week - 832

An Interview With the Former Captain of Team Meridel
by rafa_potter
Description: A cheerful song is playing as the camera opens on a smiling reporter. The song fades away.

Week - 834

The Wishing Well
by rafa_potter
Description: Give me everything that could ever possibly be collected please and thank you...

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King Altador's Substitute
Queen Nera glanced up often from her painstaking work to watch King Altador and their teenage son, Alarick, play a competitive game of yooyuball. The sport was a popular pastime in the great land of Altador. The game of passing a yooyu around and trying to make it in the other team’s goal excited any Altadorian. Even the king himself grew fond of the game.

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Scary Tree comics #2
Introducing SLIM & CHUNK! Poor Chunk...

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Slushie Slinger Tips
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Usuki Singing Stars #42: Alan's Flu Injection
“Mommy, why are we at the doctor’s house?”

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