Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword miu1109

Week - 773

To: the Dearest Sister of Mine, Jhudora
by miu1109
Description: Dearest sister of mine, Hope this letter finds you in the best of health. Gentle remember that my special day is coming soon, and I’m looking forward to receiving my present from you! Lots of Love, Illusen (P.S. Hope you like my gift to you last month on your special day)

Week - 774

10 Snapshots of Princess Vyssa
by miu1109
Description: Far to the South, beyond the Haunted Woods, lied the Lost Desert, and in the heart of these lands, the magnificent Sakhmet City could be found, populated with Neopians, sun-kissed and resilient of the hostile living conditions of the desert. It was in these harsh, barren lands that she had been born.

Week - 775

To Be a Defender
by miu1109
Description: Picture the streets of Neopia Central without the embrace of everything warm and lively. Tendrils of the night wrap around every possible corner, swallowing the land, transforming it into something else entirely. This is the Neopian Central that not many Neopians will notice.

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Storing Your Abominable Snowball
So what is the best way to store your Abominable Snowball for the warmer weather, and what are the optimal ways to care for him or her during the winter months to prepare them for the days ahead? That's what I'm here for!

by alyseth


Ilarrah's Inspiration
“Well, of course not. But being a recluse for the rest of time won't help you, either. It's time to try something new. See?” She waved one stitched paw out in front of them, encompassing a wall of cacophony.

by goldmoon_


To Be a Defender
Picture the streets of Neopia Central without the embrace of everything warm and lively. Tendrils of the night wrap around every possible corner, swallowing the land, transforming it into something else entirely. This is the Neopian Central that not many Neopians will notice.

by miu1109


Donny and Neopia’s Un-Repairable Items
Up in the cold, stormy peaks of Terror Mountain sits a simple little Toy Repair Shop run by a red Bori named Donny. Donny is one of the most skilled craftsman, as he has spent many years forging toys and repairing all the well-loved items people bring to him.

by doglover3662


Do You Believe In Magic: Part Three
As strange as the rest of his journey had been thus far, this felt like real magic. The rest could have been pre-arranged, actors stationed at various points in the subterranean caverns for some unknowable reason, but this…this couldn’t have been done naturally. This was his wish come true. This was adventure.

by emblo93

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