
Sense of Fate II: Part Four

by Ultima999


Ultima999: We're here!

Sizzleburn: Dangit! The door is stuck!

Rekozen uses a Twin Blaster to destroy the door.

Sizzleburn: Good thinking.

Rekozen: Like always.

They go in, and find the place deserted.

Ultima999: All right whoever you are! Come out so we can beat you up and get our prize money!

A cold voice hisses through the air.

Unknown Enemy: You can't stop me, if you can't see me....

Ultima999: Sizzleburn, use the scanner!

Scanner: Uploading database....

Sizzleburn: Hurry!

Rekozen: Come out and fight like a....a.... just come out!

Unknown Enemy: Don't tell me what to do. Bars block all of the exits.

Scanner: Playing introduction music....

Sizzleburn: WHAT? STOP IT!

A giant form of a demon comes.

Unknown Enemy: See if you can beat that!

Ultima999: Sizzleburn! Work with the scanner!

WHAP! Ultima999 is thrown against the ugly Chia Statue, which is knocked over and breaks.

Mega Demon: Nooooooo!

Rekozen kicks the Mega Demon, but is hurled back at great momentum.

Scanner: Displaying opening menu.....

Sizzleburn: About time!

The Mega Demon beats Rekozen like a punching bag.

Rekozen: Ow! No! Stop! Ouch! Wait!

Ultima999 pulls out a Twin Blaster but the Mega Demon throws Rekozen at Ultima999 and knocks them over and Ultima999 drops the Twin Blaster.

Rekozen: Ultima, looks like we're screwed.

Ultima999: Not yet.

The ARENA satellite beams Ultima999 an Ultra Sonic Disrupter.

Ultima999: Eat this!

Rekozen: Um, Ultima.


Rekozen: AHhhhhhhhh! You fired it backwards! Turn it off!

Unknown Enemy: (snickers)

Ultima999: Oh. Oops.

Ultima999 turns the Ultra Sonic Disrupter away from Rekozen and at the Mega Demon. The Mega Demon lets out a yelp and explodes.

Unknown Enemy: Very good.

Scanner: Location found. Displaying.

Sizzleburn: Uh oh.

Ultima999: What.

Sizzleburn: This whole place. The whole poetry place is....

Unknown Enemy: Me.

Ultima999 + Rekozen:...... AHHHHH!!!

They feel the earth below them rising, and the entire structure rises.

Dr. Sloth: Like my new metallic body?

Ultima999: Dr. Sloth? I should've known.

The Space Faerie comes out of nowhere.

Rekozen: No! Go away you dumb faerie! He'll transform you-


Evil Space Faerie: Destroy....

Rekozen: Never mind.

They see all of Neopia gazing up in horror.

Ultima999: Let's think.

Dr. Sloth: Feel the pain.

High electric voltage surrounds them, and moves in a tight circle and zaps them.

Ultima999: Ahhhhh!

Rekozen: Ohhhh!

Sizzleburn: It burns! It burns!

Dr. Sloth: (snickers)

Dr. Sloth launches a high shockwave megapulse that crushes a big part of town.

Ultima999: OK, NOW this is the end. We can't get out of this.

Sizzleburn: No way! The good guys always win. Don't they?

Rekozen: Yeah, they do!

Dr. Sloth sprays them with Arekon Cells. Rekozen is transformed.

Sizzleburn: Yikes! He wasn't stubborn!

Ultima999: Just the two of us.

Evil Rekozen leaps at them, but they dodge.

Sizzleburn: Sorry, Rekozen....

Sizzleburn pulls out the Ultra Sonic Disrupter and blasts Evil Rekozen. The Evil Space Faerie comes towards Sizzleburn, but Sizzleburn blasts her too.

Dr. Sloth: Having fun?

Dr. Sloth sprays most of Neopia with Arekon Cells.

Ultima999: What are we going to do?

Sizzleburn: Let's think.

Ultima999: OK!

Dr. Sloth sprays them with Arekon Cells. Ultima999 is transformed.

Sizzleburn: Stupid, stupid, Ultima.

Dr. Sloth: Since I can't make you to be less stubborn, I'll just warp you to another dimension.


What will become of Neopia and our three heroes? Find out next time. To be continued...