Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,727,314 Issue: 789 | 14th day of Swimming, Y19
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"If only everyone were smart enough to treat their reflection as a fellow Neopian”

Ixi A to Z

Just in time for Ixi Day, we are wandering through the alphabet and discovering everything there is to know between A and Z about the wonderful Ixi. Let`s dive right in! Not counting the default Ixi avatar, there are six avatars featuring this species. They feature famous Ixi such as Nabile, Tarla, Sinsi and Sophie the Swamp Witch, as well as a Faerie Ixi and a Disco one.

Species Spotlight

Every Neopets deserves to have a bit of time in the spotlight, and that can get difficult with how many species there are, but the Neopian calendar has made room so that each pet has their own special day. On these special days, new wearables are released, new colors become available, and all the creative minds around Neopia put their best writing and art skills to work to create content around their passion for that pet. That's why I'm here!

Dive into the Month of Swimming!

Neopia offers new and exciting experiences in its hidden underwater worlds. Why not explore beyond what is seen by the average Neopet? Try snorkeling or diving in Neopia’s top five sites – this article tells you where to go and what to look for! Always remember to consider your safety when swimming in open water – always tell a parent or friend where you are going, and if you are diving make sure to dive with a buddy so you can help each other if needed.

Other Stories
"The Monster on the Mountain" by ezel68
Like usual, a blizzard was sweeping across the peak of Terror Mountain. Pellets of snow and ice battered the frozen ground as powerful winds swirled heaps of snow through the air. Anyone with a lick of common sense would be huddled indoors during a storm like this. However, a lone Mynci was struggling his way through the terrible storm. He had been trying to reach the entrance to the Ice Caves, but lost his way when the storm arose. Unable to see two feet in front of him, ice was encrusted on his fur, and fluid that dripped from his nose and eyes froze instantly. His lips were chapped from the cold wind, and his breathing was shallow. “Where's that Snow Faerie when you need her most?” the Mynci's rattled brain thought, citing the helpful guardian of those lost on Terror Mountain. Aching, lethargic, and miserable, the Mynci pushed onward with no idea of where he was going. Winds threatened to shove him into the ground, and he practically waded through increasingly deep snow. He knew for sure that he would desperately have to find some shelter for the night. Either exhaustion, cold, or something else finally came to him, for the Mynci began to teeter on his feet. His vision was flickering with strange colors and his head was muddled with thick fog. The Mynci let out a soft groan as he collapsed in the snow. The last thing he heard before his consciousness went was the shuffling of huge feet. As the Mynci had struggled through the storm, unbeknownst to him, he was being watched. A creature, covered in thick white fur, nearly invisible in the blizzard, had been following the Mynci throughout his treacherous journey. The creature stood nearly eight feet in height, was built powerfully, and bore curved horns on its head. It traveled through the snow on two sturdy legs that ended in blue-colored paws like dinner plates. Yellow eyes with red irises, covered with thick lashes, observed the Mynci from a distance.

"Fab Hair and the Alien Scare" by wellthatsfantastic
Pure_Decadence paced in front of her house. The aroma from the Kelp restaurant around the corner wafted by her and she inhaled sharply. The only thing that smelled better than the braised turkey cutlet cooked at the eatery was the smell of hair dye as it was being applied to her tresses. The chocolate Peophin was known to her friends as being the one to always wear the latest fashions and it was nineteen days into the new month and she still hadn’t dyed her hair. The water lifted her red hair as she shifted nervously and she caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of her eye. “Can you even believe this?” She asked no one in particular with an eyeroll. Hail was too busy to come with her to the salon, the last time she brought her older brother Brujyh he’d walked out with long platinum locks with the tips dyed blue, no way was she making that mistake again. A lightbulb went on behind her eyes. “Reeyce!” she exclaimed and pulled her cellphone out. “FASHION CRISIS, meet me ASAP” read the Neomail. With that, she was on her way to Neopia Central to visit the NC Mall. If only she’d known how true her words were… she might have just stayed home. ~~ Deca wandered around the NC Mall looking for the long tail and blue cape that denoted her friend Reeyce was around. Reeyce was the most glamourous Lost Desert Xweetok that Deca had ever had the pleasure of knowing. The two met last year at the Altador Cup’s Backstage pass event and they’d been close friends and fashionistas ever since. Deca wandered into the Wonderclaw store and there she spotted her friend. “REEEEEEEYCE” she shouted, getting angry looks from two Lupes playing the claw games. Deca glared back “fashion is serious business ok?” She said and quickly went to her friend’s side. Reeyce looked the Peo up and down, “Deca… your hair!” She cried. Pure_Decadence had the decency to blush. “ I know! Red is like so two weeks ago!”

"Employment" by _torchic__
A young shadow Korbat and darigan Mynci ran through the crowds, tripping and jostling Neopians as they rushed to the Colosseum. After running into a few Neopets and earning some angry shouts, the two friends skidded to a stop as they stared at the monstrous line of people in front of them. The Mynci whistled. “You’ll never get a ticket with this huge line, Lysander.” The Korbat, Lysander, groaned. “I should have gotten a ticket to the Colosseum early, like you, Silas.” “You’d better get in line if you want even a chance of getting a ticket.” Silas chuckled. “I’ll catch ya later, once you’re out of this line.” Lysander sighed as he watched Silas wander off. He turned to face the enormous line that he was in, which was moving forward at a sluggish pace. Hours crept by, and the sun overhead slowly tipped to the west, indicating to the Neopians below that it was early afternoon. Lysander inwardly rejoiced when it was his turn to walk up to the Gelert lady with puffy red hair. “Uh, I’d like to get an Altador Cup ticket, for entry into the Col-“ “Sorry dearie,” The Gelert interrupted. “We’re all out of tickets.” Lysander gaped at her. “How…?” He glanced at the table the Gelert was working at, and sure enough, the once-large stack of tickets had vanished. The ticket lady sighed wearily. “We’ll be restocked with more tickets in a few hours.” Lysander turned away from the Gelert lady and stared at the crowd behind him, which was glaring at him for taking so long. A few hours? I’ve already been waiting for that long! Lysander walked out of the crowd and used his wings to fly over the stone walls of Altador City. As he headed home towards the Docks, his mind raced with ideas on how to get a ticket in some other, faster, way. His thoughts were broken as he spotted his friend below in the lush farmland, running towards the walls of the City.

Come Celebrate Our Birthday with New Goodies!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The NC Mall
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Great stories!


Species Spotlight: Tuskaninny
Happy Tuskaninny Day!

by mouseketeers


The Truth Behind Snowbeast Snackrifice
What's happening?

Also by waitwut101

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The Monster on the Mountain
The Mynci let out a soft groan as he collapsed in the snow. The last thing he heard before his consciousness went was the shuffling of huge feet.

by ezel68


isn't always the best policy...

by cardinally


Terror Mountain: The Perfect Summer Getaway
If you’re still stuck at home and wanting to get away, here’s why you should plan your next summer trip to Terror Mountain!

by karate

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