Meow Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

“As you can see here, the Neopian Times staff keeps all of our equipment in top condition. The worker Weewoos have an impeccable record of cleanliness, timeliness, and overall, a certain worldliness that has greatly assisted our ascent to the Neopian public. We are, after all, the voice of Neopia! And what good would a voice be if it were not aware of its audience?” Many of the Neopians murmured in agreement except for Stephanie’s mother, who anxiously glanced about the room.

The Neopian Times - A Chronicle

Whether you have only recently started to read the Neopian Times or are a returning user who has missed a lot of issues it’s well worth delving into the archives to discover the breadth and depth of the contributor’s work over the years. Even if you have always been a subscriber, when there is a new issue every week it’s easy to forget some of your old favourites. In this article we’re going to give a history of the Neopian Times and how it has changed over the years, highlighting the issues worth a special mention. From those we’ll pick out a submission that is really worth a read and, hopefully, will tempt you to explore the rest of the issue.

100 Reasons We Love Neopets

We all play Neopets… but why? Everyone has their own interests and specialties, whether it be game trophies, restocking, writing, or much, much more. Curious about this question, Olly and Solo took to the boards and asked the general population. After weeks of study, the duo compiled the following list of answers on the back of her receipt from the squid supply store.1. All of the hilarious moments that occur, and the screenies that document them. 2. To keep in contact with old friends, and make new ones. 3. Plots to be challenged by and enjoyed.

Avatars For Skeith Day

There is no better way to celebrate Skeith Day than to use your favorite Skeith avatar. There are 8 total to choose from. You can obtain these avatars a variety of ways, there is a default avatar, a few game avatars a few that are gained easily and even one very rare retired avatar.

Other Stories
"Friday: Burnout" by vanquishee
It was a particularly windy Friday morning in Neopia Central. With a cup of Black Cherry Tea in her left hand, The Editor strode forward towards The Neopian Times Headquarters, the establishment that releases Neopia’s newspaper every Friday afternoon. Being the Editor-in-Chief at the Neopian Times was possibly one of the most coveted positions in all of Neopia, right after Queen Fyora of course! Controlling the mass media was a weapon in itself as a single good review could catapult even the most mediocre restaurant to fame, like a certain restaurant in Maraqua. It was also the reason why she had to re-adjust her cap to hide her face, as a whole legion of NT fans had shown up to commemorate the upcoming issue.

"Weewoo in Training" by derrangeddragon
"Wow, that storm really came out of nowhere!” I shout, struggling to push shut the large door of the Neopian Times office against the buffeting wind. “Here, let me help you with that,” comes a voice from behind me. We struggle for just a moment before finally pushing the door closed. I'm tempted to collapse beside it, but this is my very first visit to the Times and I want to make a good impression. Instead, I brace myself and turn to meet my rescuer, a smiling Blumaroo. “Thank you so much!”

"Painted Weewoo and the Maraquan Dillema" by cherishtwilight
"Boss. Boss, something’s happened.” “What is it, you nitwits?” the shuffling of feathers. A Weewoo in a suit and tie, eliminating evidence of pastry crumbs and red jam. “I’m busy.” “Lawrence and Burlap’s come back from their job, they brought back their messages with them. Their diving suits are broken, Lawrence is completely catatonic and Burlap’s muttering things. Something about read smug, or knee lugs.” The Boss glared at them both, silently. “Where’d they come from?” “Maraqua, sir.” The Boss stood silently in the quiet mess of the office, before massaging his forehead with a feather or two. “Has it not occurred to you idiots that he may’ve said ‘Slug Monster’?”

Won't You Help?

This week's issue is brought to you by: Charity Corner
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