The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 188,960,697 Issue: 537 | 23rd day of Running, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Just because something is a myth does not mean it's untrue!

The Art of Hoarding

What's a way to make neopoints that is easy, low-cost, and requires nothing but patience and some time? The answer is simple: hoarding. It's something anyone can do, regardless of money or account age, and follows the same rule as the stock market: buy low, sell high. Doesn't sound too hard, right? It really isn't. Hoarding is surprisingly effortless...

Battlefield Legends

Neopian Battlefield Legends is a strategy game in which you reenact the Meridell - Darigan Citadel battle. You can relive this battle once again. All you need is a good strategy to be the winner of this epic match. This guide will help you win the battle and get you a perfect score too. How to play this game? Enemies are invading your land; it is your job to...

Where to Live in Neopia?

It can be a difficult decision for a young owner, trying to figure out the best place to raise her pets. That's why this reporter has roamed far and wide, sampling local cuisines, chatting with locals, recording property prices – to compile this, your handy guide to the top ten places to live in Neopia!

Other Stories
"Drawing Board" by potatoobsessed
"You'll beat Clara, anyway. Everyone will. It's so obvious, I'm surprised she didn't just toss it out and go home when she saw ours!" Clara fought the urge to turn around and punch the stuck-up Silver Usul in the nose. She'd scream, the teacher would come running in, Leila would give a biased version of the incident, and everyone would back her up. The others weren't mean; they were just scared. Adults believed Leila...

"A Great Gadgadsbogen Day!" by kitti801
The air was teeming with jumpy music and rich with ripe, rosy fruits. Friends Eva, Blaze, Mary Kate and Fanta, were at the Gadgadsbogen Festival – their favorite time of the year. These particular friends were used to being spectators at the festivities, but promised each other this year to actively participate in this energetic, exciting festival dedicated to the unveiling of the new fruits to be grown on Mystery Island...

"Newcomer" by exorcist_katrina
"Allen! Time to get up!" I yawned and rolled onto my back, not bothering to get up. "Allen! Get up! Don't forget what today is!" Mom yelled again. Remembering what day it was, I jumped out of bed, threw on my clothes and flew down the stairs. My name is Allen_Walker_The14th. I'm a snow Shoyru. I live with my mom in Darigan Citadel, I'm a week old and an only child, but that's about to change hopefully! Yesterday...

Gadgadsbogen Is For Fruit!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Tropical Foods
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Great stories!


I'm a week old and an only child, but that's about to change hopefully!

by exorcist_katrina


Lifting the Birthday Curse
You see, my owner, Sora200579, or just Sora, has had a very, and I mean VERY bad streak of unhappy birthdays over the years...

by sora200579


Random Oddness
Something the matter, little man?

by mistyqee


Spotted Gelerts - The Origin
Many people wonder why Spotted Gelerts look different from the other spotted pets- Well...

by hideri


Things you should know about Usuls

by fressed

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