There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 188,575,482 Issue: 536 | 16th day of Running, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

At first I dismissed the idea but as I slowly thought over the facts, I have become more and more convinced that our beloved AAA is actually... the reclusive Prince Roo of Roo Island!

An Illusion of Illusen

For years this kind-hearted guardian of Meridell has entranced just about everyone with her soul-searching eyes and endless charm--not to mention challenging quests with bountiful rewards. Illusen is a figure admired by just about everyone. But how much admiration is too much? Neopia's infatuation with this freckled wonder has got some citizens (okay, maybe just my Krawk Cali) wondering if there's something darker...

Famous Scorchios

You know, there are a lot of reasons to love Scorchios. They breathe fire, fly, are extremely loyal, and above all else look both edgy and cuddly depending on what your tastes are! So with Scorchio Day being celebrated recently, I thought it would be a good opportunity to look at my "fave five" famous Scorchios who reside right here, in Neopia with some bonuses sprinkled in along the way! By far my favorite Scorchio...

NP Customising for Spring

Dressing for spring can be tough. Is it going to be cold out today? Should I bring a jacket? What if I get too warm? Will it rain? There are so many variables. That's without even considering what's in style! So with spring coming, I've decided to write a guide to customising for the season. Hopefully this will help answer some of your questions and give you some new ideas...

Other Stories
"A Second Chance" by rachelray179
"Ah, there it is," said Nereid finally after a long pause of silence. Jane looked up from her deep trance of thought and saw an old, tattered map rolled up in Nereid's hands. She eyed it in curiosity, wondering how the paper could survive in the water. Nereid reached out and carefully placed the magical map in Jane's hands much to the Aisha's surprise...

"Of Friends, Foes and Meepits" by hellehond
An Earth and Dark Faerie were chasing each other in a game of tag, startling visitors with their wild antics as some of them had to hurriedly jump out of their way in order to not get run over. Ignorant of the chaos they caused, the two made it all the way to the highest clouds drifting above the spires of the castle. "Jhudora!" The Earth Faerie gasped for breath...

"Welcome to Neopia" by aethelar
Maybe this was a mistake, I thought to myself. I was new to Neopia – only just finished filling in my account opening forms, in fact. It was a beautiful winter's morning, cold and crisp, and I wanted to go and explore this new land I'd found myself in. I wanted to go and play in the snow, or see the ancient ruins of Maraqua I'd heard so much about, or taste one...

Celebrate Illusen Day With A Friend

This week's issue is brought to you by: Ye Olde Petpets
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