White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 186,164,154 Issue: 504 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"This?" he said, touching the ray gun at his belt. "This is a device constructed for the purpose of holding down papers, and is not a ray gun that can incinerate matter in under three seconds if skilfully wielded and equipped with a proper power source."

Inexpensive Paint Brushes

There is an alternative. There are many different paint brushes that don't cost Neopia and still look pretty cool on your neopet. I'm here today to show you what I think are the top 10 inexpensive paintbrushes, as well as giving you and tips and hints as to what wearables will make your neopet look fit for the customization contest! Please note that these paintbrushes below are in order of price, from most expensive on my list...

The Second-Hand Shoppe

It sits in the Neopian Plaza, between the modern Defenders HQ and the Welcome Center, oft overlooked by those seeking only to go to the Kadoatery or the Wishing Well. It's rather unassuming - it is, after all, modeled after a cardboard box. But I was sure it had something to offer me, both in terms of knowledge and cheap (read: free) wearables. So I decided I would devote a week of my time to scouring the...

The Quest for Guild Settlement

There have been countless articles advising on how to be a good guild owner, how to be successful, how to survive in the ever changing Guild World, and similar tests of fortitude. Yet, there are still none on how to keep those new members, despite the lessons on how to entice through successful advertising campaigns. The eternal question remains: How to make new members feel welcome, to create that sense of homeliness, that desire to come back for more...

Other Stories
"Unfinished Business" by sporty2443
The security drone turned the corner and rolled by. When the noise of the drone began to fade into the distance, the group's leader glanced out of the alcove to make sure the coast was clear. The blazing cobalt eyes of a mutant Acara stood out in her hooded and otherwise shadowy face, and she was suddenly thankful that the robot hadn't caught a glimpse of them as it had passed her hiding place...

"Just Siblings" by pringlz
Kattevo sat back in his chair at the breakfast table, sighing contentedly. He glanced at his sister, who was daintily finishing her Purple Bruce Cereal. She wrinkled her nose. "I think it's a little stale," she informed him of the cereal's taste. He smiled indulgently at her - Tetchla's sense for things of lesser quality appealed to the whole family. He stood, then glanced at her with a look in his eyes...

"Fortuna Laspus" by kioasakka
It was probably the eye patch. Though the green Aisha wasn't doing anybody any harm, simply by walking into the café and ordering a cup of coffee, she had elicited nervous glances and guarded looks from everyone inside. She sighed internally. The trench coat probably didn't help, either. The poor Wocky behind the counter had trembled terribly when the Aisha had...

Flavour In Heroic Proportions

This week's issue is brought to you by: Exquisite Ambrosia
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Great stories!


Jars have a tendency to do that.

by chiuauahk112255


The Elusive Quest for Guild Settlement
What makes a guild worth staying in? What makes a difference to whether a member stays or leaves?

by pertaoiin


Traits of the TC #02
Terrible news!

by cuddlingflame


More Powerful than Magic: Part Two
"How? She's been a statue for fourteen years! How in Neopia could she have gotten loose?"

by saphira_27


Unfinished Business
Occasionally a passing guard or security drone would stroll by and break the silence, but nothing else did – nothing, that is, save for three dark-cloaked figures darting through the bright halls.

by sporty2443

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