Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 183,842,220 Issue: 475 | 23rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I bought ten packs of sticky notes – figuring the more I had the better my chances – and wrote "Go to the Advent Calendar" on each and every one of the tiny yellow squares. I then proceeded to paste them all over my house the day before the Calendar began.

Holiday Humbug

It's that time of year again. The time of the Advent Calendar, lots of borovan, and holly jolly cheer... for most. If you're one of the many Neopians out there who become a humbug during the holidays, then this guide is for you! Here are 8 easy steps to getting into the spirit of the holidays. After all, who wants to be the Grinch of Neopia?

Best & Worst Toys

A Hissi might not be able to appreciate a pair of new shoes. But there are thousands of toys in Neopia, which means you're spoilt for choice. There's sure to be something for every sort of Neopet. But it's a case of whether or not you pick the right one, which is where my guide comes in. BEHOLD! the Top Five Best Christmas Gifts for your Neopet...

Eat Your Veggies!!

Vegetables add a splash of color to any boring meal! They come in a variety of exciting hues: orange, red, green, purple, yellow, and so much more! Plus with Christmas right around the corner it's always a good idea to munch on some yummy veggies to give your poor tummy a break from all the sweets. Here are some of my personal favorite green treats that will leave your taste buds begging for more!

Other Stories
"Hearth and Home" by khirstal123
"Sparkle, Sparkle, Sparkle. No one celebrates Christmas at home anymore." Sparkle, a Snow Aisha, was sitting with her best friend Saffron, a Pink Cybunny, outside their favorite little cafe. It was only a week before Neoschool would be let out for winter break and both girls felt too lazy and giddy to start their homework. "What are you talking about, Saffron?" Sparkle asked, confused...

"The 12 Days of Project Killjoy" by breakingchains
I simply hate my current owner. Her name is Amelia. She obtained me the moment she arrived in Neopia – Vaela and Tollo came much later. (I was first, she says, because "JubJubs are soooo cutesy-bootsy, d'awww!". Yes, she really talks like that.) And I tell you, I have been bored simply to tears ever since I came to live here. The most excitement I've had...

"Jingle Bells" by cloudy__skyes
"It's Christmas Eve! There just have to be carolers!" He stood up defiantly, crossing his arms and staring almost longingly at the door. "Y'know... holiday cheer? There just have to be carolers..." His trailed off and became noticeably softer. "This is my first Christmas off of the island... it's understandable to not carol when it's summer year round, but it's different, now!"

Happy Day of Giving!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Money Tree
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A Neo Look at Christmas
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Tis The Season - Part 3
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Caution: May Bite - Christmas Special
Dude, it's that time of year again.

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The Day of Giving
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~Top Five Best & Worst Xmas Toys for your Neopet~
Find out what's cool and what's not this Christmas!

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