teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 182,995,662 Issue: 470 | 19th day of Storing, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I stared at her. Flower had rubbed the Tooth Faerie Mouth Wash into her pelt. I made a mental note to buy some shampoo, because if she had thought she had a bad fur day before using the mouth wash, I can well imagine what she is going to say after it dries.

Maintaining a Guild

Guilds are a huge part of many users' experience on Neopets. They can provide a tight-knit community of users who share a similar interest where lots of long-lasting friendships are born. It can be hard to find the perfect guild for you, so an alternative to joining a guild is creating your own. I have created several guilds in my time on Neopets, and I have been the leader or council member of my current guild for four and a half years. This article is a compilation of tips I have found useful for starting up and leading a highly successful guild over the years...

Cheap and Healthy Food

If my pets love anything, they love an omelette smothered with bacon and cheese and broccoli and onions when they stumble out of bed in the morning, and who doesn't like saving a few extra Neopoints on food now and then? Those users with more than one or two pets will agree that food can be expensive, and there are so many ways to get free food that sometimes it's not necessary to pay for any at all! With that, here is my list of the top five Neopian foods that can be attained for 0 Neopoints and will provide your pet with a healthy and balanced...

A Zombie's Survival Guide

Do people scream in your presence? Are you randomly attacked by would-be-heroes on a daily basis? Do you find it hard to negotiate with other Neopians? Not sure why Tin Foil hats are so popular? Feel a little misunderstood? Or have you just become an undead and are having some difficulties adjusting? Then this article is for you...

Other Stories
"Bedtime Reading" by moriwen
"Prince Neop wandered through all the lands of Neopia. He saw the caves of Moltara and the farthest depths of Maraqua. He traveled for seven days and seven nights, and finally collapsed, exhausted. When he awoke from a sound sleep, he found himself in a strange land where everything was made of... jelly? Neop was delighted, and ran and bounced on giant hills of jelly. When he was tired, he slept on a soft Strawberry Jelly..."

"A Story in Which the Title Was Eaten by a Lupe" by crazy_holly_ii and esperonza14
And now... now Mr. Coconut was popular. Because of a silly caption contest. All Mr. Coconut ever did was say "GOOD NIGHT!" and now... he had stolen Mr. Pumpkin's fame. Mr. Pumpkin had one friend. Mr. Lupe was a blue Lupe, and he was a very good friend to Mr. Pumpkin. Mr. Pumpkin thought about his Lupe friend, and how he was grateful that he was not a Chia, on his way home...

"A Play About Nobody and Nothing" by mamasimios
Scene opens on a comfy, overstuffed chair in a cosy parlour. Although the chair, the only comfortable looking chair in the room, appears empty, it is actually occupied by an invisible Bruce named "Nobody". At her feet lies her invisible Warf named "Nothing". The Bruce is fast asleep and oblivious to everything that follows. A doorbell rings. Cavillace, the Mutant Draik, rises from a straight-backed wooden chair to answer...

Weapons That Won't Desert You

This week's issue is brought to you by: Sakhmet Battle Supplies
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