Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 180,824,489 Issue: 451 | 9th day of Swimming, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"If you absolutely must know, she attempted to strangle me. With," he finished a little lamely, "my cravat."

How to Be Just Slightly Too Late for Issue 450

Oh dear. It seems another year has gone by, and you just weren't able to write the perfect article in time for a landmark issue of the Neopian Times. If you're an avatar collector, this is probably horrible news. I can relate to the feeling.

Problem with Baby Pets

Caring for baby pets can be a problem. It is still very much worthwhile -- just look at their widdle faces, aaaawwww -- but it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, I can tell you. I know some among you will laugh derisively at this statement, especially those of you in possession of a magma pet that sets fire to your Neohome just by walking in the door.

Fine Food Reviews: The Golden D

This fine restaurant on the Krawk Island coast has some of the best cuisine available in the area. The well-maintained ship offers an excellent view of the sea. Pop your head out a porthole, breathe in the salty breeze, and enjoy a wide variety of delicacies.

Other Stories
"Thick and Thin and Yooyuball" by
"This uncle," Thick asked as he paced around the dusty floor. "You say we visited him often?" With a testing sniff of his sensitive nostrils, he added, "This place doesn't ring any bells at all."

"Another Chance" by Dariask8_14
You marvel at the immense ceiling of vast sky that curves and reaches beyond the ends of the planet, and a familiar feeling of loneliness aches in your heart.

"Return to Mystery Island" by Mauvus
Pirate captains did not sleep on the sand while the rest of the crew stocked the ship with Neocola and Twirly Fruit. However, Zovus did not feel like a pirate captain at all; back on his home island, he felt like a baby Jetsam again.

Aquatic Petpets Rock!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Rock Pool
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