Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 175,526,287 Issue: 416 | 30th day of Collecting, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

When the Fountain Faerie asks you to jump, you do not waste time asking how high. You kind of do your best to read her mind...

Costumes on a Budget

Here you can find a wonderful assortment of Halloween costumes that won't dent your bank account but still provide an element of creativity for your Neopet. The wide variety means that you can find something your Neopet will love. The best part is each costume can be modified to fit your needs. If you have a larger budget this year, then you can easily...

Guide: Trick-or-Treating

1. Wear a costume. Ringing the doorbell, then hiding at the side of the door when the person comes to answer, claiming to be an invisible pet, is not clever and is not funny. This is the sort of stunt that causes a plethora of problems for the perfectly law-abiding invisible inhabitants of Neopia. Saying that you've dressed as yourself generally doesn't work either...

Tooth Faerie: Halloween Goodies

Well, a toothy hello to all my friends and fans! It would seem that Halloween is upon us once again, and believe me, I know when it is coming; there is a growing chorus of "I hope the Tooth Faerie doesn't give out Toothpaste and Dental Floss again this year", and this chorus has reached my own ears here in Faerieland. Well, besides being quite shocking, these words have given me the inspiration to lay down my Faerie Toothbrush, pick up my Pencil Toothbrush, and write a guide...

Other Stories
"What Could Have Been" by reggieman721
Edna had been working on this project for weeks. Halloween was approaching, and the witch was undertaking one of her most ambitious spells to date. The words on the page in her spellbook drew her eye...

"The Window" by tj_wagner
In frustration, I pound my nearly invisible paws against the ancient panes, but they make little sound as I'm fading from reality. My voice rings out loudly in my ears as I scream, but I don't even know if it's carried beyond these walls. In frustration...

"Bonfire Spooky Stories" by outsyder
The Lenny immediately gripped his friend's backpack causing him to stop as well. "We should really get out of here, Dantares! We could prove our courage another way! Like running through Drackonack territory with cheese tied to our backs!"

Sssome People Have All The Luck

This week's issue is brought to you by: Deserted Fairground Scratchcards
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Great stories!


Who's the Boss? - Halloween Issue
That was the scariest story I've ever heard!

by mhchristine


Halloween at the Pound
What happens to the pets in the Pound?

by unosilvah


Inheritance: Part Three
"Mabelle's in danger," her friend said, turning to face the ambassador. "We need to hide her, get her away from here... something."

by shadow_sabre_


Tricking with Schise #2
Don't you think that monsters are awesome?

by sasayaki_chan


CayCaed! Halloween Mishaps
In which we say "Happy Halloween!" ...without the "happy."

by kattrish

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