| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
"Hmm... I suggest we change our roles. You have to be nasty, and I have to be n... n..." Doctor Death took a deep breath, "...nice."
Guide to Closet Clutter
Ah, spring cleaning! Now that it's spring in Neopia, it may be time to clean out those closets. While in the past, many Neopets have complained of not enough clothes to wear, now many complain of the opposite problem: they own so many clothes that it's hard to wade through the clutter. After the recent Daily Dare event, I wound up with quite a few wearables from beating AAA and Lulu. I also purchased several wearable Abigail prizes. I often forgot the names of the wearables... |
Warm, Edible, of Doom
We all know what socks look like and what they are used for, but what you might not know is the many ways a sock can be used, the many colors they come in, and the variety of flavors that are available for sampling. Yes, that’s right – we said flavors. Don’t look so surprised; socks are quite delicious when prepared properly. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, believe us, you’ll want to run out to the nearest clothing boutique or bakery as soon as possible... |
| Restocking: Better Than Gaming
Most of the profits in food are profits from 3-6k. Go for items that stock in ones, twos, or threes that are a random number below 2k (This meaning, for EXAMPLE, 1,841 NP). After the first few tries you will know exactly how to look into the price and amount in stock. Also, NEGGS are usually a nice tidy profit. Because you are not going to be the only one in a shop and neggs are known for being easy to sell and profitable, you won't be able to get one every time... |
Other Stories |
"Petpet Talk: The Prank" by christmas_ice He planned to stay in that position until Karl picked him up in five hours, and he would have had not three certain petpets annoyed his plans. Three certain petpets—to be specific: Mark, Moe, and Millicent, the three notorious Meepits at the daycare... |
"April's Fool" by miliane085 and daughterofearth85 So, the day before the April Fool's Day, I was sitting in my room with Ailee. We were drinking some thornberry tea and eating some crumpets. "So please," Ailee began, "give me a hint. What are you planning for tomorrow," she said, and grinned sheepishly... |
"Can Chias See?" by amitybelle "You're at the bottom of Terror Mountain, surrounded in all this snow, and you wonder why you're cold?" He chuckled to himself. "You need something warm to wear. Why don't you go see Mika and Carassa? They're Chias, too." What was a Chia? What was this guy on about? |
| So Affordable, It's Shocking This week's issue is brought to you by: Robo-Petpet Shop |
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Great stories!
Digging into Spring If you're looking to get out of your winter blues, and break into spring with a new outlook on life, flowers are a perfect way to do just that!
by giggilogalmewmew |
Another Story: Part One Ever since the three had done a group project on the Space Station, they were convinced that it was the best place in the universe. Therefore, they had spent a night filled with apples and Chomby and The Fungus Balls plotting how to get there.
by limegreenelephant |