White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,283,163 Issue: 349 | 27th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I'm not an item," she spat viciously.

"Well, you can be traded, and there isn't much you can do about that, is there?"

Trading Points

Some people argue that Neopets are "just pixels", and pawn off their pets to obtain something "better", or "worth more", while more loyal Neopians see the true potential and value of every Neopet, deciding after a long conversation with their pet that they believe it would be in everyone's best interest to move on. It may not be the most ethical means of getting a new Neopet, but it ensures that no pets are left alone in the pound, with that awful Dr. Death. In this article, I'd like to cover the different 'trading points' of pets, and the many terms that you'll hear in the Pound Chat, which is...

Participate: Other Ways

Ah, the Altador Cup! A time of excitement, a time of camaraderie… a time of utter chaos, really. While the main focus of the tournament is to play and win as many yooyuball games you can, not everyone finds themselves able to contribute. Should your lack of yooyuball scoring make you any less important of a teammate? I think not! With the release of Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise last year, many yooyu-inept players found an easier way to contribute to their team's success, but there are many more ways you can show your team some support...

Reflections of a Modern Neopian

Most experienced users hardly ever visit the map. Using links and bookmarks, they ignore old stuff that they have already seen and done, going directly to the places they want to be, completely ignoring the timeless splendor of just getting lost. I realized this while organizing my terrifyingly huge list of bookmarks, and I wondered what had changed while I was busy doing this and that...

Other Stories
"A Kind Act" by sheyda_sheyda
"I guess you're out of luck!" the Bagatelle owner said in reply to the frustrated Blumaroo's sigh. He snickered as the neopet rambled away slowly, towards the Coconut Shy, where he would only lose the rest of his NP. The Lupe could never understand why no one realized that everything here was rigged. That was the last pet in line, but he decided he would wait a few minutes to see if he could salvage a few more...

"I Am Vira" by cool247lala
"AHH! It's Vira! Run before she makes you look in one of her evil mirrors!" The Uni ran as fast as she could, streaking past Vira's home. Vira sighed. She got that a lot, even though she had never made a Neopet mutant. The other Neopet, a Quiggle, looked nervously at her as she glanced at him. She sighed, annoyed. "Go home," she said. "If you've come to gaze at the freak show, visiting hours are over." The Quiggle blushed red...

"Bibi's Diary" by carys1994
Ugh, I hate this. A little cloud Kougra like me shouldn't be in this mess. Or anyone else. Well, I don't think so, anyway. Luckily I can get myself occupied by writing in this old diary I just found under my bed. I think I had it for my birthday last year, or was it the year before? I don't know. Well, this whole mess I'm in started yesterday. Might as well jot it down so that one day I can look back on it and remember exactly what happened...

Good Things Come In Threes

This week's issue is brought to you by: World Events
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The Importance of Coffee
He coughed quietly and then said, "It's four in the morning, Mum. Why do you need money?"

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Beat the Heat
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Fangirl Point of View
And this is why the girls say, "Go Darigan for the Altador Cup."

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NeoQuest II: Encounters in the Haunted Woods
When illustrators take it too literally...

by dyd_666_81


Roomies 3: Part Four
"I'll lead the way. Just please," he added with desperation towards Jesc, "keep the Weewoo away from me. I'm begging you..."

by vanessa1357924680

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