Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 181,925,343 Issue: 317 | 9th day of Storing, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"We have come to make use of your garden for the greater good of our Master, the most glorious Doctor Frank Sloth," it said with an almost childish glee. "You will be pleased with his new regime."

Heroing How-To

While the Defenders of Neopia are unparalleled in their successes, it is not an easy job, and retirement often rolls around prematurely as superheroes find themselves incapable of putting up with the strenuous barrage of radioactive emissions, fireballs, electric shocks, and corny puns thrown at them by villains. The Defenders are always looking for brave new recruits to take on the mask and mantle of a hero. The first step towards an illustrious position...

PB Polls: Tyrannian

With all the exciting changes that have been taking place around Neopia and especially the fashion industry, it's important not to forget our roots, that's why this season we're going back... way back... to bring you Neopians' favorite vintage looks of all time. Today we're taking a look at those prehistoric prodigies who've revolutionized the world of fashion with their flaming hot throw-back styles. From shimmering scales to thick fur coats, Tyrannian pet fashion is...

Care and Keeping of Slorgs

Slorgs are abundant and often appear in well kept neogardens. They are a conveniently small size so require less food than some other petpets. You'll never have to brush a slorg, give it a bath or trim its nails. Slorgs come in many lovely colors that all kinds of pets can appreciate. And most of all, slorgs are very loyal and friendly. So you've gone to the petpet shop and purchased a slorg...

Other Stories
"Sunset: Dreams" by bathschool123
Frost's mother... well, that's another story. No one knows what happened exactly. Ocean doesn't, the townspeople don't, and Frost certainly doesn't. She was too young to notice that anything was going on at all. All I know is that she disappeared...

"Domination 2" by amwolford
"It would be a whole lot easier if the both of us teamed up. Once my plan is carried out, you and I can defeat the other villains so Neopia will belong to us and only us. Why, with my brains and your powers... and my brains, we could take over this planet..."

"Rise Above" by rydeordiechic576
A painted pet was revered, cared for, played with. Unpainted pets were "disposable." Now with the clothing, he thought, even unpainted pets could be fabulous-looking. But if someone couldn't afford clothing or paintbrushes... well, for Azolito, there were only more...

Spike in Yooyu Fitness Reported

This week's issue is brought to you by: Ready to Roll
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Great stories!


Who has taken the poor baby?

by 220232


The Fine Art of Battle: Part Five
"You cheer a coward!?" he boomed. "A coward that would show the same mercy on the battlefield would not prevail! A warrior must always be a warrior. He has no room for mercy."

by sweetie_butterfly


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Exported Eustabees - Part Five
"Great," said Damien, leaning forward in his seat. "Let's start with the facts. We know that seven Eustabees are missing and three Neopians are responsible..."

by playmobil_is_my_life


Multi Media No.1
SPLAT!! ...oops.

by u_uzzzzz


Evil Death: Part Three
Hunger consumed him. Eliv hadn't eaten in days and he struggled to move along the bustling city streets. He could barely see...

by sirussblack

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