Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 265 | 10th day of Storing, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I know that we have been separated so many times, hurt each other too many times to count, but I can still feel it, deep down inside, that we still ARE friends. And we will be. Forever.

Study Shows Negg Chasing is Fun

Most Neopians nowadays see Meerca Chase II as a simple, quick way to make a few Neopoints each day. They see no excitement or action in this game and pay very little attention! This all may have been rather true with the old version of the splendid game (plain old Meerca Chase), but that is certainly a blatant lie when speaking of the newfangled Meerca Chase II! Please give me a few minutes of your time to explain myself...

Woods Witch Wants Workers

Deep in the darkest part of the Haunted Woods lives a witch that goes by the name of Sophie. Some say Sophie is the 'Soup Faerie' of the Haunted Woods, feeding many a wary traveller. The only problem, though, is that Sophie is very careless and quite often her ingredients end up on the floor or get eaten by her hungry Meowclops. She needs your help to ensure that her ingredients end up in the cauldron. Your tool of choice is...

Neohome Rumors Dispelled

You may find yourself wondering what it takes to build an award-winning Neohome. Just by looking at the entries, you'll know that hard work and creativity are requirements. You may also assume that there are a number of other qualifications, some of which you expect would keep you from building a lovely home of your own! While Neohoming isn't easy, it's probably not as prohibitively difficult as you might think...

Other Stories
"Smilty and her Tale of Woe" by silent_snow
The graveyard was more heavily populated than Smilty had ever seen before. The Island Gelert sniffed and ran a paw down her fur, staring with unbelieving eyes at the Neopets that ran all throughout the usually deserted place. There were Neopets carrying strange potions, Neopets running around with shovels...

"Look Where We Are" by cyborg8000
A Darigan Lupe trots down the main street of Meridell which is littered with debris and broken shards of glass. Leaves rustle as they race across the once happy lane. The night is eerily quiet, but not unusual. An old, ragged looking brown Ixi is leaning against a small shack to the left. The Lupe nods his head in answer to the Ixi's folklore singing...

"Lila and the Pillow Problem" by ch0c0lat3kik0
"LILA! NOT AGAIN!" roared Darlene as she entered the room. Lila was standing in the middle of her room, bits of cotton plastered to her mouth. Darlene rushed to her pet's side and wrenched open Lila's jaws. She examined Lila, and saw that she had fluff, feathers, and cotton sticking to her mouth...

Will No One Think of the Petpets?!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Petpet Rescue
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Great stories!


Out Of Whack - Cloudy Days!
Why you shouldn't upset cloud pets. Seriously.

Thanks gunner_yuna_ffx2 for letting me use Clouith!

by bluepen


At the AstroVilla: Part Six
Cypher had been up all night, examining every inch of the pathetic amount of evidence she had. After her fourth Pinanna Cappucino (which Dez had kindly delivered to her room), she sat in the same place... still with no further clues...

by kemppotatoe


Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Three
"She must be found!" she cried. "What if she gets caught in a sandstorm? What if the winds come? They can last for days and she would be totally lost! If she's lost in the desert, she will die!"

Art by rookina

by rookina


Fully Equipped
Well, that explains a lot.

by dudeperson41


Squidgy the Slorg's Adventures
Must... Not... Give In... To... Cuteness...

by chloenorling

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