Meow Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 264 | 3rd day of Storing, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

PURE EVIL! EVIL, I TELL YOU! Ahem. Sorry about that; the Meepits flushed my sanity down the toilet last week.

Squish Tactics

Yes, it's true; there is yet ANOTHER dice game in Neopia! Don't worry; you don't have to roll the die in this game, all you have to do is... SQUISH THEM TO A PULP! Sorry, I got a little overzealous there, but that is what you have to do to them, squish them. Being the newest game to hit Roo Island it is bound to be a hit, so why not join the fun?

Spotlight on Galleries

As we approach and pass Gallery Spotlight #200, it's time to remember the previous winners and to encourage future winners. Galleries are a way of showcasing your favourite items, a unique collection, a place of memories or how rich you are. For some, it's a simple task of collecting a few items. For others, it's a difficult but worthwhile challenge...

Hunting the Vernax

The Web of Vernax is a fairly simple game once you understand it. You are the Spyder. The Vernax is your target. You are the hunter. They are the prey. Even though you are the hunter, that does not mean that the Vernax cannot fight back. I will show you what I mean in just a moment. First, let me explain how the game works...

Other Stories
"An Almost-Tragedy" by frerybairn
She was The Owner, Frerybairn: and her companion the pet, a very sad bright-green Quiggle less than an hour old. He clung to her coat-sleeve incessantly, sometimes wiping his nose on it as he sobbed. She didn't correct him. He was only a baby--and he had good reason. They were on their way home from the pound. "You wouldn't really have left me there, wouldja?"

"The Last Piece of Seaglass" by luv_2_shop_7
Julie the JubJub was extremely sad as she walked down the beach. Her head was lowered so that passersby would not see the tears flowing down her face from her overly large eyes. When a JubJub cries, it is almost impossible not to notice. She stopped occasionally to look out at the waves, but this did not help; it only made her bawl some more...

"Yoinked: The Grundo Thief's Story" by rissa714
He always showed up at the Krelufun factory for his shift precisely on time. Though he had just started the job not long ago, he was a reliable and efficient worker, taking his responsibility as the vat filler very seriously. No blobs of red, blue or yellow color went in any vat but its own, and thus, every plushie produced was of the highest quality. This is why...

When Gummies Go Bad

This week's issue is brought to you by: Attack of the Gummy Dice
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