Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 117,249,079 Issue: 235 | 14th day of Eating, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"No matter if every pet in Neopia thinks you're a brave hero with absolutely no fear; it's not true. I believe every famous hero has the fear... of being forgotten..."

The Many Shades of Grey

The sun does not always shine, does it? You may be the kind who thinks that is a bad thing, but look at it this way: Would we really appreciate the good things in life, if things were not a bit boring every now and then? With a whole day dedicated to the greyer side of life, we can feel free to mope and sigh as much as we want for once...

Neggs: Not Always Nice?

Nobody knows because they have never really watched their pets admiring themselves in the mirror after eating a deceptively gorgeous Glamour Negg, or when they’re groaning on the marble floor after eating their painfully dangerous Spiked Negg without chewing – until now. With the help of my... um... volunteer *cough* Lambene, I set out...

Top Restocking Tips

The shop plays a huge role in determining your success. Imagine restocking at the Tiki Tack all the day long and being frustrated at the end of the it, because you didn't get much profit! Or imagine yourself at the Chocolate Shop trying to even restock anything. The shop is what can really break you or make you. Avoid shops that don't have much profit...

Other Stories
"A Mad Flight Through Space" by weaponstar
"Oops," muttered Starmilit, steering the ship back onto the runway and ignoring the exasperated gestures from the Control Box. "Okay, off we go." They pulled away along the airstrip, managing this time to stay on course as the repulsors once again jerked the ship when they came online. As the ship sped toward space...

"The Wind Uni" by bookworm01
I raced across the meadow and fell down on the grass, looking up at the bright, blue sky. A single, straggling cloud flitted across it, carried on the wings of the wind. I wondered what the wind looked like, but hadn't the faintest idea. I had always been told that once it was a dazzling, pure white Uni...

"Balthazar's Beginning" by dan4884 and neox52492
Real Spyder webs clung to the trees, catching in Balthazar's fur as he ran. A huge clap of thunder sounded from the storm clouds. The young Lupe darted behind a large boulder, whimpering in fear; heavy raindrops began to fall as he cowered there. Lightning lit up the Haunted Forest...

Defeat the Dastardly

This week's issue is brought to you by: Defenders of Neopia
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The Jewel of the Forgotten
"The one who touches the Jewel of the Forgotten..."

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The Treasured Diary: Part Ten
"So we need to find a giant rope that runs through the castle walls," said Ramaya sarcastically. "Well, you live here, Fenmere; know anything that fits that description?"

by twirlsncurls5


How Florg Nearly Ruined My Life
I'm a gorgeous pink Warf, with leaves in my fur and SLOBBER all over me! Yes, SLOBBER! Gooey, green, slimy SLOBBER! Do you want to know how I got slobber all over me? Well, too bad! I'm going to tell you anyway...

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Dangerously Insane
So go away.

by leah_51293


Return of the Double Agent: Part Three
The Zafara took lithe, light steps as she poked around to see if anyone was asleep...

Also by shadowcristal

by precious_katuch14

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