Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

My conscience will hound me forever. I turn to my potatoes for solace.

Fishing for Fun

Again, you are waiting. Not for the Wheel of Monotony, nor for the Ticket Booth to restock. No, now you're waiting in a cavern at the bottom of the sea, hoping against hope that when you reel in your line there will be a fish at the end of it. Well, here are some tips...

Cannon Fodder?

I was appalled when I learned of a new craze sweeping the nation of Krawk Island: Petpet Cannonball! Agh! Just hearing those two words together makes me cringe. The thought of launching a helpless Petpet from the barrel end of a cannon...

Win at World Challenges

Ah, the sweet smell of victory, and also the sweet smell of pure cash. Well, this new gaming bonanza has taken Neopian gamers by storm; what could be better than simply posting scores of games you love to play, and earning NP from it!

Other Stories
"Sloth's Revenge" by mystic_whisper711
High above him rose a giant missile faced straight towards central Neopia. Sloth let out a cold laugh at the fact that the helpless Neopets had no idea what fateful doom awaited them...

"Adventures of Star" by dancingqween888
I regret naming her Star. Stars are supposed to be barely noticeable unless they are scattered across the sky at midnight. Star, however, is more like an asteroid headed for planet Neopia...

"Second-Place Sammy" by sweetie_me274
Sammy always competed in the contest in the summer and the one in the winter. To her dismay, she would always come in second place (and was therefore known as Second-Place Sammy)...

Better Get Bzzzy!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Flycatcher!
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T3h Praedius
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24 Contests for People Who Can't Win Them
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An Interview with Tarla
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Home < High Seas: Part Six
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Superficial: Part Three
When I next saw Mother, then I could tell her of Neoschool and all the fun I was having there. I stepped up my pace into a jaunty trot. Today would not be spoiled...

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