Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,817,072 Issue: 877 | 13th day of Gathering, Y21
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Short Stories

Learning to Fly

“What kind of Pteri can’t fly?”

by neo_kid_851
A Day in the Life of a Moffit

Molly the Moffit crawled underneath the dresser just as the sun started to rise. Stripes of sunlight came through the blinds and lit up the floor of Kimiko240’s room.

by goodsigns
Ferny and the Amazing Juiceland Adventure

Anyone who sees princess Fernypoo nowadays would never think that, one day, she was a sweet, kind and charming child. Her competitive personality and selfish behavior are due tom many things, including years of etiquette classes, constant pressure from her parents, and people reminding her that she will rule the kingdom one day.

in collaboration with _annefrank_ and mimy_fofinha

by _aragorn_

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"Learning to Fly " by neo_kid_851
"What kind of Pteri can’t fly?” The snide comments surrounded Dezzyton as she hung her head low in shame. The others were right, what kind of Pteri was she? She was an embarrassment. Sure, her wings were smaller than everyone else’s, but shouldn’t they still work? Her whole body was smaller than everyone else’s, surely her little wings could hold her tiny frame? The yellow Pteri sighed as she waddled away from the group. There was no point sticking around while all the other Pteris in Tyrannia got together to go flying. She was used to this; it had been this way her whole life. In times like these, she retreated to her happy, safe space – her cave.

Other Stories


Poor Neopian's versions of popular wearables:
We have all been there. You wander around Neopia, doing your thing, while you stumble across a pet that is just beautifully customized. The look is so awesome, you realize that you simply must find whatever it is their pet is wearing. Of course, almost without fail, you learn that the wearable in question is either crazy expensive or retired and hard to come by. This phenomenon is well known by customization addicts.

by hottendott


Ways to Make Neopoints without Playing (Flash) Games
Habitarium, Key Quest, Hannah and the Pirate Caves may be gone, but they are not forgotten!

by kaitlinhoneybee


A Story of the Haunted Woods:Part Three
“What kind of thing would a zombie search for?” continued Story.

by june_scarlet


The Lost Tomb of the Old Kingdom:Part Three
“No! Arthur, Parlebb, don’t listen to her! You’ve got to snap out of it!” Clara screamed.

by shadowknight_72


Things you should know about Meridell.

by fressed


Sauna Day, Part 6
this is starting to get a bit much...

by ssjelitegirl

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