Meow Circulation: 194,933,036 Issue: 807 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y19
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Short Stories


It was just a normal day for him. Like any other. By midnight, this particular day would have been over and out of his mind like the thousand ones that came before it.

Also by cherokee163

by mabi1234

The Ghost Of King Coltzan

I was walking down the corridor when I heard something. I turned around and saw no one there. Before I go too much further, I'd better tell you who I am and what I'm doing here.

by tyranosaurus_rampage
Resurgence: The Wand on the Left

Prelude to the Resurgence.

by opossumman
To Give is to Receive

Based on an actual happenstance.

by quinnkinz
Practice, Not Perfect

For those curious, the steel turning red means Blaze got it to about 900 degrees celsius. Faerie magic man. Scary stuff.

by erika_of_night_vale
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"A Hero's Journey: Part Two " by jetaketa
Rupert stumbled on the shaky bridge that stretched the gap between firm, sturdy land and the rocking boat. The boat sported a rainbow sail that Rupert could only hope would last the full journey, it seemed a bit lackluster compared to the grand warships he had read about in his books about seafarers. This seemed like a rickity replacement and again his nerves set in. But he knew he had to press on if he was going to make it to Mystery Island. And so he found a nice seat in the shade of the sail, and tucked his backpack underneath his seat and pulled out a book to read on the long journey. What Rupert did not realize is that the boat would rock so much. You see, when you are on an unstable piece of wood out in the wavy ocean, reading could cause you to feel quite nauseous. In fact, just about everything would cause you to feel quite nauseous. Rupert's head began to feel light and his stomach started to turn and turn as the boat pressed forward through the waves and further into the horizon. He looked back and saw the sight of land was dwindling and he started to become horrified. What have I done, he thought in panic. He realized there is no turning back now, no matter how much he wanted to. This boat is going to keep going and I have to keep going too. I have to keep it together...I have to keep it together...I have to keep my lunch in my stomach. But he continued to feel more and more queasy. "Ay boy, you're lookin' quite ill there," Rupert heard a voice ring out.

Other Stories


On Developing Your Neopet's Character
Here's how...

by cosmicfire918


5 Things To Do While Waiting For The Healing Springs
Hmmm what to do?

by fairygal626


A Hero's Journey: Part Two
Rupert stumbled on the shaky bridge that stretched the gap between firm, sturdy land and the rocking boat. The boat sported a rainbow sail that Rupert could only hope would last the full journey...

by jetaketa


My Childhood Neohome:Part Six

by jillcrash


Recycled Jokes

by iskii


Accidental Gift
Hold on a minute...

by voiceprint

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