Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 196,026,692 Issue: 888 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y22
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Species Customization: Elephante

In celebration of Elephante Day, I have put together several customizations based around their species clothing sets. These looks are intended to spark inspiration and creativity in Elephante owners, and show them how to utilize their Elephantes closet in different ways. Let`s dive in and look at what kind out outfits this elegant species has to work with.

Other Stories


Usuki Singing Stars #47: Greg Come By to Visit!
Dedicated to my dear friend, Neoskulltula!< Hope you enjoy your NT cameo, Greg!!

by downrightdude


Scarlet's First Adventure
Scarlet tacked up the newest postcard she’d received from her sister and brother on the wall. This one was from Shenkuu. Dred and Forest traveled all over the world.

by rkbear


Which Iconic Battledome Challenger Are You? Quiz
Did you know there are over fifty Battledome Challengers in total? Yep, that many! But only a handful are certifiably iconic and known throughout Neopia, some revered and some feared. You’d be surprised at how different these individuals can be and just how powerful and fearsome most of them are. Take this quiz to see which one you are!

by puusormi


A Guide to Nimmo's Pond
A long long time ago, there was no life on Neopia. The air was covered in cloudy poisonous smog and there was no life, with the exception of Dr. Sloth because he is just super old and basically invincible.

In collaboration with wtmoof

by steve_km


Breakfast bagel, anyone?

by hamster_z


The Wyrmling's Christmas Gift
Hopefully I predicted the timing right, and made it into the holiday issue! Happy Holidays, everyone! ~Mystic

by mysticdoodles

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